13 | dangerous look

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Ever since what happened to Kayla nobody really ignores me anymore

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Ever since what happened to Kayla nobody really ignores me anymore. They are much more aware of me when I walk into a room, or say something in class. I'm not the new girl anymore, I'm Santana. People were almost acting in awe of me, and my every movement; but I guess that's because they're only used to Billie having that much power. In a way I felt like I just passed some initiation with flying colours.

The door slammed open and a very pissed off looking Billie walked in. "Miss Eilish wh-" Mr Jeffery, the history teacher stopped once he saw her expression. Compared to each other Billie was a deadly lion and Mr J was an anteater. Literally the best thing my mind had come up with all day.

She walked to the empty seat next to me and plopped herself down into the seat.

"Hi?" I tried, scared she'd react negatively to being talked to.

Billie raised her eyebrows as she glanced at me, her eyes scanning my outfit. I wasn't wearing the uniform because I felt like breaking the rules. I was wearing just another lacy bralette and sweats. What's new. She frowned a little when she saw my cleavage but quickly met my eyes again.

"Why are you scared?" She asked.

I blushed at the fact that she noticed. "Oh um... just cause you seem in a bad mood... And I don't wanna be on the receiving end."

Billie kept on looking at me with those blank but gorgeous eyes. "You in particular San, should never be scared to talk to me, whatever mood I'm in."

I went pink again and watched as Billie's eyes travelled back down again to my bralette. She sighed and took off her hoodie swiftly and handed it over to me silently.

"Thanks." I said.

Billie nodded. "Anytime princess."

My cheeks stayed permanently red as I put it on and sank slowly in the comfortable fabric. The hoodie smelt exactly like Billie: a warm vanilla scent. It was a huge hoodie.

I gathered enough courage to ask her a question, her previous words in mind. "What's got you so irritated?"

"Just stupid fucking people, not knowing when to shut up, or when it actually matters for them to say something." Billie muttered.

I rubbed her shoulder softly in an attempt to console her, and I think it worked because she hummed softly and closed her eyes.

The history lesson continued boring the life out of me. It looked like Billie was going through it too, her head was laying on her arm which was on the desk, and she was openly scrolling on her phone despite the zero tolerance policy for them.

When Mr Jeffery finally said we could talk even though everyone was doing it anyways, Billie sat up and stared at me for a second.

"So... got something going on tonight in the south basement. Wanna go with me?" Billie said casually.

I was shocked because it sounded like she was actually asking me, not telling me like she does with everyone and everything else.

I nodded my head and smiled. "I'm free, so yeah."

Billie grinned briefly and squeezed my hand. "Aight, it's a date."

She smirked and snickered when my jaw dropped.

I was standing in a large circle surrounding two girls who were having a competitive fight in the South basement

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I was standing in a large circle surrounding two girls who were having a competitive fight in the South basement. Most people were rooting for the girl who was winning, who happened to be Billie.

She told me that she did this from time to time, only having lost a fight once cause she was already injured. It was like a whole underground operation, with people placing bets and this being their nightly entertainment.

Billie was on top of the girl, with a dangerous look on her face. Her hands were wrapped tightly around the girl's throat. There was solid ice spreading from Billie's hands, to Blossom's neck, to her lips, then her nose... Blossom tapped out finally and the bell dinged. Billie got straight up and looked around for someone.

Wow... that whole thing was really hot.

Her eyes landed on me and she smirked. After she finally got through the crowd of people congratulating her on yet another win she approached me. Billie gave me a tight hug, squeezing my waist. I got mad butterflies in my stomach and pulled away so I wouldn't die right then and there.

"You're so turned on right now, aren't you?" Billie whispered in my ear, laughing softly.

I turned pink for the hundredth time since I met this girl. "I d-don't, I-" I stuttered lamely.

She bit her lip and stared at me through her lashes. Damn. "Don't worry mami, I won't do anything till you're ready."


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