10 | oriana pt I

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"She's been saying that at the Cobra party last night

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"She's been saying that at the Cobra party last night... Santana forced herself onto her. Kayla said Santana sexually assaulted her, basically."

My jaw dropped. Huh?

But, that's bullshit! Kayla was the one who practically threw herself at me last night. I remember it took all my energy to not to pop off at the fact that she was touching me inappropriately without permission. Kayla was acting like a Cobra, with all that clingy shit she was pulling, and she wants to call me the sexual assaulter? Are you kidding!

Nobody, nobody, speaks on my name like that and gets away with it. What Kayla said was not okay one bit and she was gonna find that out.

Fire rushed to my veins and I closed my eyes, trying the control the anger that was ripping through me, but to no avail.

"Pack your bags, Oriana. You've destroyed everything your father and I built... He'd be ashamed of the person you are today."

No! I won't let myself be subject to Kayla's bullying, or her unkindness. I won't let her lie, or make up stories about me. I won't let her do what my mother has already done.

My mother forcefully pushed everything on my drawers and in my desks onto the floor, creating an angry mess.

I screamed in anger. "You can't make me leave!"

I felt the emotion rush through me as I spotted Kayla some distance away, talking to Athena. Tears sprung in my eyes.

She started throwing clothes from my closet on the ground in fury. "All of it! I want it all gone, everything dear 'Daddy' and I bought for your ungrateful self!"

My lip quivered, and my eyes stung with infuriation.

She stalked towards me, her eyes low and shining with unshed tears. "You're to be gone... by tomorrow."

My heart crushed, and at the same time, all my anger peaked.

My anger was always something I struggled with. Anger could make me do the worst things. It was like a drug, intoxicating me so I don't care about what I'm doing anymore, so I don't feel. All I want in the moment is to release it, to let the fire out and feel satisfied.

I had never felt so eager to be angry than in that moment.

"Get OUT! Get out now, I never want to see you again! LEAVE!" I broke down sobbing to my knees, the door slamming.

My fire was uncontrollable in this state and it poured out from me. I unleashed it as I cried into my hands. It burnt everything, from the mess on the floor, to the bed sheets, and licking at the paint on the wall. I didn't let it leave the room, so I was burning in my own quiet inferno. I didn't let it stop until I was completely burnt out; out of tears and out of Fire.

I needed to burn. Now.

"Santana, are you alri-" Lola froze once she saw my face.

I took one step forward in Kayla's direction. I had made up my mind.

"I'll burn her to the ground," I whispered.

The wind carried away my voice so it was lost in sea of voices around me. Lola must've realised what was happening because she began calling people on her phone, asking frantically for Billie and telling everyone to come to the field. There were so many people whispering my name, but all I heard was a rushing sound in my ears.

"She needs to get here, now!" Lola rapidly spoke into her phone. Leo had dropped the accent and was talking calmly on his phone to someone. It was the most serious I'd ever seen him. As if I was paying attention to any of that.

I didn't care that she was Billie's adoptive sister, I didn't care that she was young and had a life ahead of her, I didn't care that using your gift against another person isn't tolerated. I didn't care, not in that moment.

The tears slipped down my cheeks and I let it all go, the anger, the fire and the pain. At the same time Kayla's entire body set on fire. Athena's eyes widened and she looked at me, at the large crowd behind me and ran away from Kayla.

I let my flames scorch her skin till it was raw and peeling, melting. Her screams egged me on, I made it scalding hot constant pain. All around me I heard people gasping and staring at me, not doing anything but watch. No one was sad for her, rather surprised that someone finally gave the bitch what she deserved.

Lola held my hand through it all, whispering things to get me to calm down.

The smell of burning flesh cascaded through the air and made my nostrils flare, but I kept going. I had to, I didn't know any other way.

Kayla was struggling. I could see what she looked like through all the fire, though others could not: most her hair was gone, her skin was bright red and so raw and thin. But she was still alive. And I wanted her dead.

I didn't stop. Not even when Billie came running and gripped my free hand, watching. Not even when Kayla's screams stopped and her struggling body finally went limp. Not even when the smoke became so thick I couldn't see her body anymore. I didn't stop until I felt finally, finally empty.

Billie whispered softly in my ear. "It's over now, mamas."

I slumped in her arms and buried my head in her neck, tears streaming out freely.

I slumped in her arms and buried my head in her neck, tears streaming out freely

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