14 | blue glass

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It was 12:41am in the middle of the night

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It was 12:41am in the middle of the night. The rest of the school was sleeping quietly. Outside in the real world, it was pitch black, no moon and no visible stars.

I wasn't asleep and neither was the girl next to me, I could tell with just one glance at her blue glass orbs that shone against the darkness. There was no light around anywhere, yet her eyes gleamed just like they did in the sunlight.

"Billie?" I asked. My head that was laid on her chest felt it vibrate as she hummed in response. "Why don't you care about Kayla?"

She sighed and shifted under me. "I'm only gonna tell you this once, babe."

My heart stopped for a second and my breath hitched at the pet name. I thanked the universe that she couldn't see my face which was probably extremely pink.

"Kayla wasn't an... easy person to get along with, or to love. Not saying I am either, but she was different because she never cared for anyone but herself. To put it straight, she was a sociopath. My mom took her to get diagnosed a couple years back. After that I was never able to believe if she was being sincere or not ever again, and it ruined our relationship."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "But- the other day, she seemed quite happy to see you?"

Billie laughed humourlessly. "Typical Kayla, faking appearances for no reason."

"So... that's it? You're not even going to mourn her?"

"She wouldn't have wanted me to anyways," Billie whispered. After that she closed her eyes, signalling that the conversation was over.

I stayed awake on her chest, staring at nothing as time passed.

"Are you stupid?!" Oceania yelled at me

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"Are you stupid?!" Oceania yelled at me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance that I had been dragged away from my conversation in the courtyard, so I could be interrogated in the central north hangout by Oceania and her friends.

"I'm not even in your gang yet, news flash! And stop yelling, you're pissing me off."

Oceania shoved her hand on her hip. "Oh I'm scared, are you gonna burn me to death, like you did to Kayla and all those people in Roseville?"

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