04 | frozen in time

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The lunchroom was a big hall situated on one of the very top floors of the school, it was big enough for all three gangs to socialise amongst themselves in their own space

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The lunchroom was a big hall situated on one of the very top floors of the school, it was big enough for all three gangs to socialise amongst themselves in their own space.

I followed a large crowd into the lunchroom and walked to the buffet style area and picked up a plate. In the past I struggled with an eating disorder so I was still pretty wary of food, I made sure to be careful with it and eat just the right amount, never over, never under.

The school thankfully had some good food for my vegan ass. I took some wedges, cauliflower and carrots, and a little pot of fruit. I also took a bottle of water and picked up my tray, ready to face the task of finding a place to sit.

There was already no way in hell that I'd go sit with Jessica and Athena like they wanted me to, so that was a no. I contemplated just sitting by myself and shrugged before heading to an empty table.

Before I could get there though, Lola stopped me. She took my tray in her hands and smiled. "You're sitting with us, come on."

I rolled my eyes playfully at her and followed her to her table. Sitting at it was 2 boys and a large group of girls, amongst them was Billie, the only other girl with a Pure element here. Billie's gaze pierced the side of my face as I smiled at all of them when I sat down. I avoided her eyes.

"Guys this is Santana, the new girl." Lola introduced me and placed my tray infront of me. "Hi," I said as I picked up a carrot.

One of the boys sitting at the table smirked at me. "We know who you are already."

"Yeah, you're like the complete opposite of Eilish," another girl spoke.

Billie smirked and stared at me. "Does that mean she's ugly, then?" They all erupted into laughter and I held back a smile.

"That was lame," I poked my tongue out at her. She just smiled lazily back.

Tap. Tap. I felt someone tap me on the back and I turned around, the table getting quiet and tense as I looked behind me. It was Athena, smirking like the slippery snake she is. I suddenly understood why the laughter had ceased and why everyone was glaring really hard.

Is she even allowed over on this side?

"What do you want?" I questioned.

Her eyes narrowed and a lazy arrogant look overtook her face. "I just wanted to ask why you're sitting here. I thought we were friends?"

I snorted. "You thought wrong. We spoke one time, and all you did was hiss out your name like we're in a jungle or something. Do you have a lisp or..."

I heard the others snicker. Athena narrowed her eyes at them even more. Can she even see? She chose to ignore my comment.

"Okay... but you spoke to Jessica, right. You told her you'd sit with us! So come on," she smiled fakely and grabbed my arm.

I ripped my arm away from her slippery eel like hands and mugged her. I hate when people I don't like or don't know touch me. "Nuh- uh, don't touch me. I'm not sitting with you Athena."

I could only focus on the fact that she touched me. Ew. If she kept going down this path I'd eventually get angry, god knows two things I hate is people I don't like touching me and being pestered.

Athena rolled her eyes. "You're being dramatic. Stop being a bitch and just come sit with us."

I stayed as calm as possible when inside I was seething. How dare she call me a bitch, dramatic and tell me what to do in the same sentence?

"I'm fucking waiting, Angeles."

My blood began to boil and I couldn't stop it. It's the downside of my gift, I get angry often and too quickly. If Athena knew what was good for her, she'd go away right now.

I struggled with myself as I tried to contain my anger. "Athena," I warned. "Leave me alone, now."

I felt the whole table watching the interaction. There was one pair of eyes across from me that was piercing the side of my face, taking in every word. Billie.

Athena waved her hand then placed it on my shoulder. "Nonsense! Jessica-"

I snapped. I felt my tolerance break and fire rose to my hands. It all happened in a split second: A wave of heat burst from me; my hands that were on fire reached up to grab Athena's hand and break it while it burned. But I never did, because an ice cold hand reached out and gripped my wrist. The fire in my hands extinguished and so did my anger. I looked behind me to Billie who was leaning over the table, everyone else frozen in time during that small second. She looked at me calmly and shook her head. I breathed in. Her hand stayed there till my anger was gone, then she was back in her seat and it was like it never happened.

I turned towards Athena again and removed her hand from my shoulder, stating firmly: "No thanks."

I swivelled around so my back was to her. I heard the people at the table murmur in confusion as to what happened, I didn't talk for the rest of the lunch period.

I could only think about the girl opposite me, who stopped my fire from burning.

I could only think about the girl opposite me, who stopped my fire from burning

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