33 | santana's 18th

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it's our main bitches birthday wooo
en knee ways

just letting u know billie's already 18yrs and her bday happened around chapter 18

🦋. (I'm really outchea updating daily woww)

"Fuck you, bitch!" I said pushing his rock hard chest lamely

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"Fuck you, bitch!" I said pushing his rock hard chest lamely. He didn't budge, to my misery. "Do you even know what was in half the shit you gave me?"

He grinned. "Where's the fun in that? I like to experiment."

"So you decided to experiment on me? I was vulnerable and you basically took advantage of me you whore." I mugged him hard. "Do you know that I still have a fucking hangover from that shit?"

Landon laughed and looked down at me. "That's impossible."

"Impossible my ass! I'll show you impossible, when I burn all your hair off so you look like a bald headed ugly ass witch! Then maybe finally, your exterior'll match your man-whore insides."

"You know, you're really funny when you get all worked up," Landon said patting my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I moved my arm from his gross fingers and downed the rest of my drink. "You're lucky it's my birthday. At least tonight my girlfriend's here to make sure I don't get exploited by desperate boys, and don't get wasted off my ass!"

I huffed and walked away, adjusting the bottom of my dress. I could feel his eyes on my behind as I left; I don't think I ever rolled my eyes so hard. That felt good, I'd been meaning to get all that out my system since I last saw that guy.

So much for Billie being here, I couldn't find her anywhere.

I was finally turning eighteen, after years of wishing to be this age so I could get away from my mother's life. And also so Billie would stop teasing me saying "you're a lil baby," all the time.

But yet I was still under my mothers hold as I'd be leaving very soon, under her decision. I don't know how all that was going to work out, but I knew tonight I wanted to forget all about it.

Lola and Leo insisted on throwing me a huge party, even though I told them social gatherings weren't for me. Especially since the last one, cause it ended in me getting extremely white girl wasted and making my girlfriend cry.

But they threw it anyway and voila, there I was dressed in a latex dress, a weak drink in my hand ( courtesy of my protective girlfriend ) feeling slightly underwhelmed.

I needed to have fun. Like, now.

"Santa Clause!" Out of nowhere Aspen jumped at me slinging her arm lazily round my waist. "S. Baby, Sanitary Pad!"

"How crossed are you," I chuckled when she leaned all her weight on me, smiling giddily.

Aspen slurred something incoherent before she looked like she remembered something. "Oh my gosh! You should go see Billie!"

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