The Beginning

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Love, what a mysterious word. Thought Kim Jisoo, as she rode into school with her motorcycle, which was a matte black Honda VFR800X Crossrunner.

As she arrived, some students were beginning to take notice of her presence, and could not help but stare at her.

This really wasn't anything new. The reason for this was because Kim Jisoo wasn't just any ordinary high school student. Kim Jisoo was in fact, YG High's most notorious delinquent, even more so than any of her male classmates.

Another factor that came into play was that she was also very good looking, which made her even more mysterious and intimidating to the whole student body.

As she took off her helmet, her long raven locks blew to the wind, her soft brown eyes giving a look of supreme confidence and her heart-shaped lips formed into a knowing smirk.

With her black leather jacket, white shirt with a Pikachu print in front of it, black skinny jeans and black combat boots, Kim Jisoo looked the part of the badass student; well maybe except for the Pikachu print. But it didn't matter, the way she carried herself was clue enough to let everybody know that she was not someone to be messed with.

Unknown to them, Jisoo was quite busy with her thoughts. Thoughts about her ultimate crush and how her plan had been set into motion so that she would finally be classmates with her this year.

Park Chaeyoung. Finally, this is it! This is the year that I, Kim Jisoo, will win you over!

Jisoo may be the school's ultimate delinquent, but what they didn't know was that she was such a sappy person at heart.

She closed her eyes and felt giddy as she imagined her and Chaeyoung together.

One student was looking at her with a puzzled expression. Jisoo noticed this right away and gave the student a glare.

"What you looking at?" she asked roughly.

The poor student's eyes widened, shook his head and ran away. Jisoo gave a small chuckle.

However, her smile faded when she thought about it logically. I must be careful about my reactions when I think about Chaeng, or they will think I'm going crazy. She told herself.

She immediately looked for the room she had to be in first thing in the morning. She finally found it and scanned inside. Much to her delight, she was able to find the person she was looking for.

Yes! Lucky lucky Jisoo! This is MY destiny! No wait, OUR destiny!

She looked back inside again and stared at the pretty girl with rose gold locks who was looking out the window, deep in thought.

Jisoo would have wanted to jump, or tumble or whoop, but of course, she couldn't take the risk of looking like a complete idiot. She was here to impress Chaeng, so she slowly walked to the table right next to her and the window.

As she sat down, her phone buzzed and she read the message. It was from her best friend Seulgi.

So, are you in the same classroom as her?

Oh yeah, definitely! It's my time to let her know I exist and begin with the process of impressing her by using my irresistible charm!

I'm pretty sure she knows you exist. However, failing and being retained in the same year is definitely not impressive...or charming.

It's all part of my plan. Once she knows the reason, she'll think it was sweet of me that I did everything to be with her.

Sure, tell that to yourself as many times as you can. Maybe if you click your heels together 3 times, it may even come true.

You have no faith in me, Kang. I swear, I am confident that our love will see this through!

God, your delusion Kim has reached critical levels! I'm just gonna stop texting or I might get infected with whatever psychosis you have right now.

You know you love me, Seulbear. 😊


Jisoo put her phone back in her pocket. That's right, she did fail on purpose so that she had the opportunity to be classmates with Chaeng, as she was a year older.

Jisoo knew it sounded crazy, well it was crazy, but with Jisoo, anything goes. She had a mind not a lot of people really understood, even Seulgi sometimes. But that was her, and it was time to play her cards right with the girl of her dreams. She glanced at Chaeng, who was still staring out the window, deep in her thoughts.

She is so damn pretty! Jisoo sighed to herself. Especially now that she was wearing a white and yellow sundress with flowery prints.

It seemed that Chaeng noticed Jisoo staring at her. She then gave Chaeyoung the best smile she could muster. Chaeng then gave her an uneasy grin and decided to look at the front of the room.

You might not know it now Chaeng, but I am sure you will definitely be falling for me soon. Jisoo said to herself, smirking confidently.


Hi guys! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Although English is not my first language or my strongest suit, I hope you like it.

Please don't hesitate to comment. I will do the best that I can to update the story as much as possible. Please tell me your thoughts on this, I would highly appreciate it!

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