I Don't Like Her Like That

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Irene and Jennie were enjoying the ice cream that they had bought in one of the stands they had found on the beach.

Jennie especially was slurping hers happily as she was able to find her favorite ice cream flavor.

They had left Jisoo and Seulgi at the tent because the former refused to move and Seulgi was still trying to push her out of there.

Since they were both still arguing, they had decided to explore around and see what they could find.

They were sitting on the sand and observing the people around them.

Jennie was wondering where Chaeyoung and Lisa were. She had noticed they were acting weird the past few days, but had decided to not intervene.

Usually when the both of them were in a fight, they were able to resolve it quickly by themselves.

But Jennie felt this was different. She decided that if they continued being like this, she would need to confront one of them.

Irene had finally finished her popsicle and looked at Jennie.

"Sometimes I wonder why you really like milk ice cream."

Jennie tilted her head and continued eating her share.

"I dunno, it's just really delicious for me. Maybe because I love milk."

Irene smiled.

"I guess."

Irene seemed to be deep in thought about something.

"By the way, I was just curious about something."

"What about?" she asked, her mouth full of ice cream.

"Well, the thing between you and Jisoo, is there something going on?"

Jennie almost choked on her ice cream, then looked at her in disbelief.

"What do you mean if there is something going on? We're just friends pabo."

"Well, you've just barely known each other for a few days and you're sticking to her like glue. Very un-Jennie like behavior."

Jennie started getting flustered.

"W-well, you know, I enjoy her company. She's quite...interesting once you get to know her."

"Still, I've known you for awhile Jen, you just don't get that close to a person right away. Plus, weren't you scolding me about Seulgi and her group not too long ago?"

"I know! But I was wrong, so there! Besides, aren't you happy that I'm okay with them now?" Jennie said, not really comfortable as to where this conversation was going.

"Of course, I am, and I'm thankful that you were able to give them a chance. Still, I just wanted to know: do you like Jisoo?"

Jennie Kim held her breath.

Did she like Jisoo?

"I...I do like her, as a friend. She's cool and funny and interesting to talk to." she said, distracting herself by playing with the sand.

"You know what I mean by that, Jen."

She looked at Irene.

"I'm pretty sure I don't like her like that. You know I don't do relationships, Hyun."

Irene shrugged, "Well if you say so. By the way there she is. She finally went out of the tent, probably got bored. I wonder where Seul is?"

Jennie turned and saw Jisoo. She was talking to a girl clad in a very sexy bikini. The other girl was taller than her and kept laughing at something Jisoo was saying.

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