The Things You Do for Love

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Jisoo had noticed how Chaeng's eyes had lit up when she saw Lisa, and the way she smiled as they spoke with one another. Jisoo groaned.

Of course, I'm classmates with her too.

Jisoo was aware that Chaeng liked Lisa, it was so obvious. Lisa on the other hand, was oblivious to this fact and kept on hitting other girls.

You already have the perfect girl in front of you, idiot! But then again, more chances for me! Why am I even complaining? Jisoo grinned at herself.

She also noticed Jennie Kim.

Aaand miss rich and popular is here too.

Jisoo observed that Lisa kept on checking out Jennie every now and then. She also had that look which obviously showed that she really liked her.

Jisoo smirked. Well Manoban, I know you're a hit with the ladies, but you are definitely knocking on the wrong door. Princess doesn't go out with anyone, not even you.

She sighed as she observed Chaeng laughing and talking with her friends. She even chuckled when Lisa had struck out with Jennie.

"I'm just curious Jen, have you not ever liked someone?" Chaeng had asked her.

"You mean romantically?"


"Not really." Jennie shrugged "Nobody has had that impact on me yet."

Lisa had swallowed after she made that comment "So uhm, what do you think would make an impact on you?" She asked, rubbing the back of her neck.

Jennie thought "I dunno really. I mean, a lot of people have asked me out or confessed to me. It just feels...empty. I think that when you confess to someone, you should see and feel it. Where they mean what they say and sincerely want you to be a part of their lives. I mean, I know that love doesn't always last, and if it does, it's quite rare. I don't want to waste my time and effort on someone who might just leave me in the end."

Chaeng smiled "Oh, I didn't know you were such a romantic, Jen."

Jennie gave her a sheepish grin and gently smacked her on the shoulder.

"It's nothing, I wouldn't expect that to be happening to me anytime soon. That is just how I view things"

Chaeng thought about it "You're right. I think confessing to someone you like should completely show your sincerity and conviction."

Jisoo's ears perked up. Ooh, she likes that too huh? Sincerity and conviction. I can do that!

Lisa cleared her throat "Well, who knows Jen? Maybe one of these days, someone might surprise you."

Not happening, Manoban. Jisoo thought.

"I'm not holding my breath." Jennie said.

The bell rang to signal the start of their class.


Their first teacher for today was Miss Lee Sunmi. Jisoo was under her last year, and although she was one of the hottest teachers she's ever had, she knew Miss Lee was pretty serious when it came to her class.

She wasn't surprised when she asked them to do a quick quiz to brush up on their English translation skills and to check their ability with the language.

Jisoo cracked her knuckles.

Alright! Phase one of impressing Park Chaeyoung now begins!

She was pretty confident as she knew she was really good in English.

She took a glimpse at Chaeng's paper when she realized that the girl had not written her name yet.

Uh-oh, Sunmi is very particular with that. She will be failed immediately!

Sweat trickled down her brows. What to do? She didn't want Chaeng to fail her first test just because of that! How should she warn her?

Jisoo bowed her head down and scratched it.

Fuck it, I'll try to tell her.

She faced Chaeng, careful to check if Sunmi was looking in their direction. She then mouthed her name.

Chaeng! Chaeyoung! Park Chaeyoung! Look at me!

Chaeng continued staring at her paper intently.

Yeah Jisoo, being a goldfish will definitely help.

"Chaeyoung! Your name, you forgot to put your name!" she whispered loudly. Still no sign of Chaeng noticing her.

Jisoo groaned. This was definitely not working. She then had an idea, she didn't care if she would look like an idiot with this move, as long as Chaeng didn't fail.

"Ahahahaha! Oh my! I almost forgot to write my name. Imagine, I would have failed this test if I hadn't noticed that!" She said loudly, scratching her head and grinning sheepishly. Chaeng looked at her and laughed as well.

Sunmi laughed along with the class. "Glad you were able to check that, Jisoo. Be careful next time."

"I will. Thanks, Miss Lee!"

Chaeng smiled and got back to her paper, but didn't check if she had her name on it.

Oh for the love of God, you still haven't noticed that your name isn't there?! That was for you Chaeng! You looked so cute laughing at me, but still!

Jisoo took a deep breath. She tapped her pencil on her head, trying to think of another way to help her.

She then wrote something on the last translation question.

"Oh, this test is too easy! I was able to answer the last one without a sweat! Jisoo exclaimed loudly.

"Good for you, Jisoo!" Sunmi told her happily.

Chaeng looked at her and Jisoo showed her her paper. She had written "You forgot to write your name." as the answer to the last question. Chaeng smiled and had a puzzled look, but shrugged and wrote the same thing as her answer on her paper.

Jisoo facepalmed. Oh man, she just assumed that it was the answer for that number! But still, that was a major hint, Chaeng. You're still such a cutie though even if you're clueless.

Jisoo sighed, she looked pretty serious with her test, but in reality, she was struggling to try and see how to help Chaeng. Then an idea struck her. She decided that she was going to write Chaeng's name on her paper. She would fail in the place of her one true love.

She then imagined Chaeng noticing that her paper was not hers, and asking Sunmi about it. Sunmi then telling her that the only one without a name on it was her, Kim Jisoo. She would realize that Jisoo was trying to help her, and would talk to her, thanking her. It would be the start of their beautiful relationship.

You certainly are one of a kind, Kim Jisoo. She told herself.

She quickly wrote Chaeng's name.

"Time's up! Pass your papers." Miss Lee told the class.

Oh shit! Jisoo had barely made a dent on the paper. She hurridly scribbled some answers, but Sunmi quickly took the paper away from her.

She put her face on the table. At the end of the day, after all her efforts, Chaeng was still going to fail her first English exam.

How To Win At Love | JENSOO & CHAELISAWhere stories live. Discover now