The Perfect Storm

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A/N: Let's take a mini break from Jensoo and Chaelisa and give some love to Seulrene. 😊


Irene was busy checking with the attendance list of the Year 3B students who had won the school-sponsored beach outing during the sportsfest.

She was still feeling a bit drowsy, as she had to wake up earlier than she was used to.

Unfortunately, Mr. Bang had come downwith an illness, and Miss Lee needed another person to help her chaperone the students on their trip.

No other teacher was available, so Miss Lee had to ask Irene if she was willing to fill in his shoes on such short notice.

She had agreed, and to her delight, Miss Lee also allowed her to bring another person with her if she wanted.

The person in question had just arrived, grinning at her like an idiot.

Funny how the both of them fell for one another when Irene really disliked the girl and Seulgi had felt that way too.

She had found her arrogant and cocky, the type of person who was not scared to bend or even break the rules.

They've had their share of arguments in the past, and she was adamant at keeping away from her and her group of friends who had a bad reputation in the school.

Seulgi also got on her nerves a lot of times, anyone who saw them back then would never have thought that they would end up together.

But their paths crossed once again when Seulgi worked for a summer job in one of their family's cafés, and her father had also asked her to work there so she could understand how it feels to earn for her own keep.

He also wanted her to understand what it felt like being employed at one of their ventures. There was no special treatment given to her.

At first, they were always at odds with each other, but as time went by, they got to know one another.

Irene discovered a softer side of Seulgi. She noticed how she took her work seriously and always thought about her co-employees. She was not above working extra hours if another one of them had an emergency and needed someone to cover for them.

Though she loved teasing her friends, she was very loyal to them, especially Jisoo. She had seen first hand how she defended her when times got rough and how she always had her back, and Jisoo was the same as well.

Small talks became lunch dates, and lunch dates turned to dinner. Later on, it was not surprising to see them go home late just so they could spend more time with each other.

Irene found herself falling for her, but it scared her. She didn't know if she could trust Seulgi, especially knowing her reputation.

But Seulgi had confessed and proved to her time and again how much Irene meant to her and gave her every reason to trust her.

So it was really not that difficult for her to take that leap of faith and let Seulgi catch her.

It was probably one of the best decisions in her life. The girl made her happy, and she could not ask for more than to be by her side.

Seulgi wrapped her in her arms and kissed her forhead.

"Good morning, beautiful. You seem quite busy."

"Mhmm, good morning." she said as she inhaled her girlfriend's scent. It was addicting to say the least.

"Just had to make sure everyone is accounted for."

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