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It was early Saturday morning, the sun was barely peeking out from the sky, yet, life was bustling right now at YG High's parking area.

The students of Year 3B were milling about, their excitement palpable in the air.

It wasn't surprising, they had won that sportsfest after all and were awarded with a two-day stay at a beach resort.

Most of them were chatting about their plans and what they were looking forward to when they arrived.

Lisa, meanwhile, was running as fast she could towards the parking lot, worried about the thought of being left behind.

She finally rounded the corner and saw that everyone was still there.

She felt relieved when she saw her two friends standing around, talking about something.

She finally stopped in front of them and bent down, putting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

She then raised her head as she looked at the both of them and grinned happily.

"You're lucky you got here a few minutes before the time or you would have missed us." Jennie scolded her.

"The important thing is, I'm here. I always get here on time anyway. That's me, Lalisa Manoban, always on time for you!"

"More like barely on time."

"Still on time!"

Jennie just shook her head and chuckled.

"If that's what makes you happy, Lisaya."

Lisa then stood up properly and looked at Chaeng, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her.

They had barely spoken a word to each other since that day.

It was true that Chaeng was one of the most important people in her life and she would be devastated if she lost her, but right now, she does not know how to deal with this.

It seems Chaeng didn't too, and they tried as much as possible to not make things awkward. But it was an almost impossible task.

Lisa had been spending more time with her teammates than with them, saying that they had a lot to do since soccer season was almost starting.

Lisa wondered if Jennie ever noticed the tension between them. If she did, she didn't show it, which she was thankful for.

She also realized that Jennie was looking around the area. She finally perked up when she found the person she wanted to see.

Lisa instantly knew who it was, since Jennie had invited her one time to their lunch table.

If she and Chaeng were awkward, it was ten times worse having her around.

But Jennie didn't seem to care. She had formed a budding friendship with the notorious delinquent who somehow made her smile a lot and got her into fits of laughter every now and then.

Even Chaeyoung didn't seem to mind having her around, instantly becoming friendly with her when she joined them, which annoyed Lisa to no end.

But she couldn't tell Chaeng that.

Not after everything.

Not after hurting her like that. She doesn't really deserve the girl.

She just wanted her to be happy.

She watched Jennie walk towards Jisoo.

She gave Chaeng a side-glance, she was watching their friend as well, and she looked happy enough seeing the both of them like that.

As she continued to gaze at her, she didn't notice Chanyeol arrive until he had started talking, which caught her by surprise.

She looked at him and saw that side smile he had practiced tons of time with other girls.

Lisa's scowl was apparent as she stared at him, but he didn't seem to notice or care.

"Hey Chaeyoung! Hey Lisa!"

"Hi Chanyeol!" Chaeng responded.

Lisa just grunted at him.

"How are you guys this morning?"

"I'm fine, I guess? I am a bit excited though, I have to admit." Chaeng answered him. Lisa chose to remain silent.

"Yeah, me too! It's been awhile since I've been to the beach. I used to swim a lot when I was a kid."

"Wow, your childhood must have been pretty fun. I used to go as well when we were still in Australia with my family. Sadly, not as much now."

"Wow, really?"

"Yes! I miss it, maybe that's why I am quite excited for this trip."

Chanyeol seemed to think about something and smiled widely at her.

"You know what, Chaeng? I'd like to hear more of that because it sounds pretty awesome. Would you mind if I asked you to sit beside me on the way there?"

Chaeng hesitated and looked at Lisa, who just gave her a blank stare.

She then noticed that Chaeng suddenly looked determined about something.

Chaeng smiled at him, "Of course, why not? I'd be glad to."

Chanyeol looked surprised at her answer but was able to recover right away.

Lisa was also shocked but didn't say anything, even though every fiber of her being wanted to stop her.

"A-alright! I'll just go get my stuff so we can get on together."

"Sure thing."

He smiled at her happily and walked towards the area where his things were.

An awkward silence immediately fell between them.

Lisa decided to break it by speaking up first.

" So...Chanyeol huh?"

" Yes, I hope you see nothing wrong with that."

"Of course, nothing is wrong with that. You can befriend whoever you want, Chaeyoung-ah."

Chaeyoung looked at her and smiled genuinely, "Thank you, Lisa."

Lisa smiled back.

They heard a lot of noise and tried to check the source.

It seems the bus had finally arrived and students were already lining up so they could get good seats.

Chanyeol had jogged up to them with his things.

"Let's go Chaeng! I'll help you bring some of your stuff."

"Thanks Chan!" she said and turned to Lisa.

"Will you be alright by yourself?" she asked, worried.

"I'll be fine. I can go with some of the guys."

"Maybe you can go with Jennie, at least you will be able to spend some alone time with her?"

"Yeah, maybe I can do that."

"Let's catch up when we get there."

"Yeah, of course."

"See you then, Lisa!" she said as she bid her goodbye and went off with Chanyeol.

Jennie was still busy with Jisoo and she noticed that Irene was also there along with Seulgi.

She was not in the mood to fake pleasantries with anyone else.

She scanned her surroundings and saw Bambam together with Jackson. She decided to go towards them since Bam and her had been buddies since they were kids.

But as she walked towards them, a feeling of emptiness suddenly surrounded her. She tried to push it back, she did not dare let it take over her.

It was easier that way, pushing back situations she did not want to deal with.

Pushing back emotions she did not wish to surface.

How To Win At Love | JENSOO & CHAELISAWhere stories live. Discover now