I'm Not Crying, It's Just Raining

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Classes had ended, and Jennie needed to pick up something in a store nearby for Irene's inauguration. She was still not over the fact that her best friend was dating Kang Seulgi.

Her. Irene Bae, dating Kang Seulgi. It was like the most unbelievable pairing in all of history.

Seulgi was like Jisoo's second-in-command when it came to all of their antics. Jennie knew they had a sort of gang which consisted of Jisoo, Seulgi, Moonbyul, Momo and Sooyoung.

She never heard anything good about them, so it was really hard to believe that Irene, like nice girl, goody-two-shoes Irene, would fall for Seulgi.

That was why Jennie was unconvinced that Seulgi was serious about her best friend. For all she knew, she could be using her so she can bail her out of trouble in school and whatnot.

That was why Jennie decided on meeting and getting to know Seulgi to get to the bottom of it.

I mean, isn't it warning enough that her own best friend, Jisoo, was sent back a year?

She also knew their gang got into a lot of fights and it seems that everywhere they went, trouble followed. Jennie didn't like that kind of life for Irene.

She was still deep in her thoughts when she arrived at the store.

While she was picking out on what to get, her phone rang. She checked who was calling and saw that it was her Dad.

What does he need this time?, muttered Jennie.

She finally picked up on the 5th ring.

"Hello Dad."

"Hi baby. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Good to hear that. Anyway baby, I just called because I needed some help."

Jennie took a deep breath "Is this about Mom again?"

"Well...yes. I am sorry baby, but she is just being a pain in the ass. I need her to settle on something to finalize the divorce, but she won't budge."

"What would that be?"

Her Dad sounded uneasy. "Well, it's custody over you. I mean, I love you baby, but I have too much on my hands to take care of you properly, I don't have time because of work. You know how demanding the business is, and I don't want to keep leaving you alone just because of that."

"What did Mom say?"

"The same thing. She wants me to have main custody over you, but I feel that she can give you more time than me."

Jennie felt a lump on her throat. It was already stressful enough that they still fought even after they separated and had her go in between them most of the time. Now they didn't want her? Their daughter? Was this some kind of a sick joke?

"So you want me to convince Mom to keep me?" Jennie asked dully.

"Yes, basically, but just for now while we figure things out. But of course, we can schedule time together baby, I would miss you badly if I wouldn't be able to see you."

Jennie wanted to laugh. Both her parents were barely able to see her on normal days, even when they were together. Work took too much of their time and attention.

"I dunno, I'll try and talk to her about it."

"That's my girl! I am really sorry baby, I wish I could be the one, but you know how it is. Someday, when you take over the business, you'll understand."

I highly doubt it.

"Okay Dad, I'll let you know once I'm done speaking with Mom."

"Great! Thanks kiddo! I owe you big time. Anyway, I have to go, I love you!"

Jennie didn't respond, instead she ended the call.

Yeah, here's badass Jennie Kim. Rich and popular, gets everything she wants! Everything except normal parents! Or parents who wanted her!

Tears were already threatening to fall from her eyes, it was all too much. She didn't know what to do. Her heart felt like it was in a vise and she had a hard time breathing. She ran outside to catch some air.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to escape everything causing her pain.

What a fucking perfect life indeed! She told herself.

She felt the slow trickle of raindrops on her face. She closed her eyes and looked up the sky. After a few minutes, the rain started pouring. She didn't care that she was getting soaked, all she wanted was just to make the pain go away. Her tears started to fall freely, she just wanted the rain to help wash away the helplessness that was threatening to take over her.

While she was standing there in the rain, she didn't notice a figure going towards her direction. It was not until she realized that she could no longer feel the rain on her body, that she knew someone was there.

She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was an umbrella over her head. When she turned around to see who it was, she was even more surprised.

The one holding the umbrella over her head was none other than Jisoo.

Although she held such a stoic expression, when their eyes met, she could feel the sincerity of her concern in her soft brown eyes.

Jennie, with all the pain, anger and sadness in her heart, hugged Jisoo tightly and cried freely, disregarding the fact that she barely knew her at all.

"Uhmm...are you okay? W-why are you crying?" asked Jisoo awkwardly.

"I'm not crying, it's just raining."

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