Rude Awakening

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Chaeyoung tapped her pencil on the piece of paper she had been staring at for a few minutes now. She wasn't sure what she wanted to draw, but she needed to finish it as soon as possible so she could beat the looming deadline for their school's publication.

Chaeyoung was the designated artist for their school's paper, and she needed to submit the editorial cartoon assigned to her for their publication's next issue.

She decided to doodle on it for a bit to get her creative juices working. She was already given a topic, yet she was still unable to come up with something concrete.

As she continued to mindlessly sketch on her pad, her thoughts drifted away and she found herself once again thinking about Lisa.

As if she could really get her out of her head anyway.

A week and a half had already passed but she noticed a lot changes from her best friend.

She surprised her early one morning by initiating the conversation and apologizing, gifting her with her favorite snacks afterwards.

She was extra sweet and more mindful of what she says and does, and whenever other people wanted to hang out with her, Lisa let her be without so much as a grumble.

What surprised her more than anything was the fact that she actually tried to make friends with Chanyeol and even Jisoo.

Jisoo and Lisa had somehow quickly adapted to one other and were becoming quite noisy whenever they had lunch in the cafeteria.

The funny thing was, they both had the same sense of humor and even had a bottle balancing contest one time.

She noticed that she was also slowly getting along with Jisoo's friends.

Chaeng was not going to pretend that she wasn't shocked at what was happening.

Lisa even told her that she already confessed to Jennie and was rejected.

When Chaeng asked her if she was okay, Lisa just shrugged and laughed about the whole thing, saying it was fine and that there's nothing to worry about.

Chaeyoung almost asked Lisa who she was and what she had done to her best friend.

Not that it wasn't a good thing, it was. She just didn't know why this was happening.

Lisa was of course still the same old noisy girl and the prankster ball of sunshine that people came to know and love, but there was also something different about her.

It was as if she was more sure of herself.

That didn't help with matters on how Chaeng was dealing with moving on with her feelings towards her.

The fact that Lisa was doing all of this made her fall for her even harder, and she was at a loss on what to do, so she just decided to let it be for now.

Maybe in time, it will go away.

She hoped it would. After all, unrequited feelings were not really healthy.

She sighed and then stopped to look at her drawing.

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