Hidden Feelings

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Jennie walked swiftly outside. She had no idea why she would be this upset over something as small as that.

She tried to regain her compsure, surely she would not let this get to her.

Perhaps she was just embarrassed at the fact that someone confessed to her and made it feel like it was just some sort of game in front of everybody.

Yes, that was it. That's why she was mad.

She suddenly felt a hand on her wrist and turned to see who it was.

It was Chaeyoung, whose eyes were filled with worry.

"Jen! I kept calling you back there but you didn't seem to hear me. Are you okay?"

Jennie looked at her and tried to give her the best smile she could muster.

"Yeah Chaeng, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You just basically slapped Kim Jisoo and then stormed off."


Yes, she had slapped her, she just felt so mad during that time that she just took out all of her anger on Jisoo that way. Regardless of what the girl did, she should not have gotten physical, or even showed that it got to her.

"It was nothing, I was kinda pissed about what she did in front of me and other people."

Chaeyoung sighed and looked at her sympathetically.

"I'm sorry that had to happen to you, especially in front of other people."

"I should have gone ahead and punched her."

Both Jennie and Chaeyoung looked towards the one who had spoken up. It was Lisa.

"I should really have, she had no right to do that to you!" Lisa stated angrily, eyes blazing.

"We don't really know what Jisoo was thinking, it could have been a misunderstanding." Chaeng said, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Why do you always defend her, Chaeng? That was really uncalled for. I told you, her reputation precedes her."

Jennie looked at the both of them, sensing a fight brewing.

"Look guys, it's fine. I'm fine, I just got...carried away. Anyway, I'll just head home for now."

Lisa stopped her and held her hand.

"Jennie, you can stay here if you need some company, or if you want I can go with you."

"There's no need to Lisa. Like I said, I'm fine."

"Jen, I want you to know that..."

Jennie looked at Lisa who swallowed nervously.

"I want you to know that..."

"That no matter what happens, we will always be here as your friends. Don't hesitate to call on us, okay?" Chaeyoung interjected, smiling at Jennie and held on to Lisa's other hand.

"Thank you guys, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry about earlier, for now, I just need to be alone. I hope you understand."

"Of course." Chaeng said. Lisa remaimed silent.

Jennie then went on ahead and sent out a quick text to Namjoon and Hoseok, apologizing to them about what happened and promising to be there again in their next rehearsal.

For now, she just needed some time to think and process everything.


Chaeyoung watched as Jennie walked away. She felt Lisa let go of her hand and stare at her accussingly.

"Why did you stop me, Chaeyoungie? You knew I was going to confess! That was my moment!"

Chaeng inhaled deeply. As much as she did not want Lisa to confess to Jennie, she was not the type to stop it for her own selfish reasons.

She just knew Jennie was not in the right frame of mind, and two confessions in a day would definitely be too much for her, especially with what happened to the first one.

"Lisa, can you at least get your head out of the gutter for once and think about it? Jennie was obviously not okay. You confessing to her now would end up in disaster."

"What if she just needed to hear someone be sincere about her and show it as well?"

"Jisoo's words sounded sincere enough and look what happened."

"But you never know..."

"Lisa. Seriously. Can you please just let this go for now? For Jennie?"


"Lisa. Please. Even just for me?"

Lisa sighed and looked at her. She finally nodded and put her hands in her pockets, pouting as she did.

Chaeng knew how stubborn her best friend could be, especially if it was about something she really wanted.

But there were times she did listen to her, and thankfully this was one of them.

She cupped Lisa's face and smiled at her.

"Hey, everything will be fine. Jennie's a strong person, I am sure she'll be over it soon. You need to relax. Your time with her will come, okay?"

"Okay." Lisa mumbled.

"How about I treat you to some hot chocolate at the diner and some burgers?"

Lisa's face lit up, Chaeyoung knew how much her best friend loved chocolate.

"Oh my God, yes! Let's go!"

Lisa then grabbed her hand and led her along excitedly. Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Hey Chaeyoungie?"


"I'm sorry about earlier okay?"

Chaeng smiled warmly at her.

"It's fine you weirdo."

Lisa grinned at her.

"Maybe I should just confess to you instead."


Lisa laughed.

"Nothing! I was just kidding! You're so easy to tease."

Chaeyoung slapped Lisa's shoulder several times, causing to make the girl laugh even harder.

"Aish Lisaaa! Don't you ever joke about that again, it's not funny!"

Or good for my heart, you idiot!

"Alright, alright! Chill! I won't okay? Look, you're starting to look like a chipmunk." she teased.

Chaeng pouted, "Yaaah! I hate you!"

"As if you can!"

While looking into Lisa's happy eyes, she knew that was true.

She could never really hate Lalisa Manoban.


Oh wow! Last I looked I already have 400+ reads and how many votes! Thank you so much for all your support!

I really hope you are enjoying the story so far. I am sorry if I haven't been updating as much. Work usually tires me and sometimes writer's block also gets to me as well, but I promise to do my best.

Please take care guys and stay safe and healthy, especially during these times. That is the most important thing!

I'll do what I can to update soon!

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