Thicker Than Blood

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A/N: Trigger Warning for substance abuse.

We're also going to get a bit serious here, but no worries, we will return soon to our regular scheduled programming. 😊


Jisoo drove them towards her favorite café located at the east side of the city, which was far away from where they were earlier.

She loved this place as they had great coffee and they closed their doors at around 2AM.

It was the perfect spot to just sit around and have idle conversations.

But tonight, there was no room for that.

Tonight, she was going to share something so serious and personal to somebody she barely knew who most likey might dislike or even hate her.

She had no reason to, but then again, here she was.

Eversince she decided to show compassion to the dumpling on that rainy day, things like this seemed to happen too often.

Plus she had to admit, the reason she showed mercy on Lisa tonight was because she was Jennie's friend.

She had known the mandu for a short time, but she had no idea why she had a hard time saying no to her.

Even if she wasn't here, she still couldn't do it.

She felt frustrated. She honestly couldn't understand why she let someone enter into her life like that and held such power over her.

Jennie was an enigma she still had to solve, but for now, she needed to focus on something else.

She went to the counter and looked at Lisa.

"What would you like to order?"

Lisa looked at her, surprised.

"It's fine, I'll order a drink myself."

"No, I insist. Come on, what would you like? Coffee? Frap? Tea?"

Lisa seemed to hesitate, then decided to just go with the flow.

"Uhm...just one hot chocolate for me."

"Anything else?"

"That's all, thanks."

"Alright. One hot chocolate and one Iced Americano, please."

The barista took note of their orders as Jisoo gave him their payment. After a little while, he handed them their drinks.

Jisoo led Lisa to her favorite booth. They both sat down across from each other.

Jisoo could feel the awkwardness in the air, she drummed her fingers as she looked at Lisa, who was started sipping her hot chocolate.

She got Lisa's camera and put it on the table. Then she pushed the object towards her.

"Here you go."

Lisa looked at it, then back at Jisoo, trying to decide if she was really serious or not.

"I'm sorry, I don't get it. Why are you returning something that has photographic evidence of your activities?" Lisa asked her.

Jisoo shrugged.

"It's my way of saying that I am giving my full trust to you. Once I have told you everything, it's up to you whether you decide to believe me or not."

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's a huge risk."

"Oh, I know, I'm fully aware of that. But there's no other way to convince you otherwise."

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