Fate Has a Bad Sense of Humor

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It has been over a month now and Jisoo has been avoiding Jennie.

Not that she really needed to, considering they weren't really friends in the first place, but it made life a bit more easier for her.

Though that also meant that Chaeyoung was also avoiding her too.

Of course her friends were quick to share the video of her confession to each other and they had teased her non-stop about it.

She had punished Moonbyul and Sooyoung for it, but it did not hinder them from bringing it up every now and then.

Seulgi was especially a pain.

Seulgi also reminded her of something in the past she had long forgotten.


"Omo, that was such an epic fail! I can't with you right now!" Seulgi said, laughing hysterically, tears now running down her eyes.

"I know right! Good job you guys on capturing it on cam!" Momo said, laughing along.

"I ought to kill you all one by one. It was totally embarrassing for me!" Jisoo huffed, completely irritated by her friends. All of them were laughing right now.

"I just can't, it's just so totally you! I can't...breathe...hahahahahahahahaha!" Seulgi continued, spanking her leg.

"You should have seen Jennie's face when Soojoo was all over you. She was ready to kill somebody!" Moonbyul added.

"That slap was the icing on the cake along with Jisoo's bewildered expression." Sooyoung said, copying Jisoo's face which added more hysterical laughter from everyone.

"Yes, my life's pain is so fun. Oh joy." Jisoo deadpanned. Seulgi just smiled at her.

"Chill Sooya, I'm sure it will be fine. Anyway it seems it might work to your benefit as well."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you've forgotten?"

"Forgotten what?"

Seulgi rolled her eyes, "Seriously? You forgot?"

Jisoo scrunched up her face. She had no idea what she was talking about.

"How would I know if I have forgotten it if I don't know what you mean?"

"Remember the first day of school during our Sophomore year and you were able to see the new Freshmen? Remember who first caught your attention?"

"I'm not sure?"

"Don't play dumb with me Jisoo. You were talking about her non-stop for about 2 weeks."


"God Jisoo. Jennie Kim. You had a massive crush on her for a bit. You couldn't stop talking about her. Like 'She's so hot Seul!' 'I wanna pinch her cheeks Seul!' 'Her eyes are really pretty Seul!' It was fucking annoying."

"I did?"

"Yeah! Then suddenly, without warning, you switched to Chaeyoung and completely forgot about her. I don't even know why. But you never talked about Chaeyoung that way."

Jisoo thought about it and then, it her like a freight train. Seulgi was right, that did happen, and it made Jisoo groan internally.

"Oh yeah, I remember that. You were gushing about her like a smitten teenager; which you were." Momo smirked.

"See? So maybe this might be a good thing."

"How can it be a good thing? It's Chaeyoung that I like now, not her."


"Dude, it's not like that."

"Maybe fate had something to do with it?"

"Then if that's the case, fate has a bad sense of humor."

End of Flashback

Jisoo sighed at that, she was not particularly bothered by that fact, although she caught Jennie's glare from time to time.

Right now her chances with Chaeyoung became slim to none, although her friends were shipping her with Jennie for some reason, calling them "JenSoo". They had made bets on who would end up together: ChaeSoo or JenSoo.

Her friends were crazy, she was glad that she was the only normal one among them.

Their teacher, Mr. Bang, had been talking about the upcoming sports festival for their school. They were going to compete against the different sections of their year.

He was asking who would join in the 100 meter dash for both girls and boys and the four legged race. Apparently, everyone would have to join the Kibasen game or Japanese Cavalry battle. Lots would be drawn on which people would end up together as a team.

Just great, and to think I didn't want to participate at all.

Jennie, Lisa and Chaeyoung all volunteered to be part of the 100 meter dash. There would be two rounds of it, so 8 girls and 8 boys had to join in total.

There were some commotion about the 4-legged race, and after sometime, they had finally decided on who would be in the team.

After all that arguing, they finally started on drawing lots for the Kibasen.

Jisoo was silently praying that she would end up together with Chaeyoung and not Jennie or even Lisa. That girl had also been sending her some death stares.

She wasn't really scared but she didn't want to cause any trouble because of what happened.

The first pick was Lisa, Yeri, Jungkook and Bambam.

Jisoo exhaled a little. One down, two to go.

The next pick was Chaeyoung, Chanyeol, Jackson and Wendy.

Jisoo frowned sadly. Her hopes were once again dashed.

After some time, her name was finally being called out by Mr. Bang.

"Okay, the next team will consist of Kim Jisoo..."

Not Jennie. Not Jennie.

"...Kim Taehyung..."

Not Jennie.

"...Im Nayeon and..."

Please not Jennie.

"...Kim Jennie."

Jisoo groaned and slumped her head on the table. The sports festival was going to be fun.

She looked at Jennie, who looked back at her with an icy glare.

Great. I have to contend with Miss grumpy kitty all the way.

Jisoo had no choice, she had to do it as she needed the extra credit.

"Okay! Now that all the teams have been called, please make sure to remember them so that there will be no confusion during the sports fest." Mr. Bang told them.

The people were pretty excited, the sports festival was always an event for the students to let loose and enjoy themselves. Usually, a live band was asked to perform for them at the end of the fest.

Despite all this, Jisoo felt that this year's fest would be far from fun or relaxing.

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