We Are Not a Team

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It was a sunny day and Lisa was looking forward to all the fun they would likely have later.

She had a big smile on her face as she hummed all the way to school while listening to the music emanating from her earphones.

She finally got to her room and saw Chaeyoung, who was busy talking with Jennie.

She never got to confess her feelings to her, but Lisa decided that there was always a right time and place for that.

Besides, it gave her time to get Jennie to soften up to her.

She removed her earphones then backhugged her best friend.

"Chaeyoungie! Good morning!"

Chaeyoung seemed taken aback by her action but still smiled warmly at her.

"Good morning, Lalisa."

Jennie then looked at her.

"Good morning, Jennie-ya!"

"Good morning. You seem extra chipper today."

Lisa removed herself from Chaeng and puffed up her chest.

"Because today is the day where victory is at the tip of my fingertips!"

Chaeng laughed at her.

"With the exception of football, aren't you quite unlucky with most things?"

"This is not the day that I, Lalisa Manoban, will succumb to my unlucky streak! I can feel it in my bones."

"I doubt it, but they all did say that confidence is the key." Jennie told her, chuckling.

Lisa saw that both her and Chaeyoung were already in their PE uniforms.

"Why do you both still look so good in those uniforms? I swear to God that you make it look effortless."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

"Instead of flirting, why don't you go and change? The fest is about to start!"

"Don't worry, I'm like the Flash, I can change in less than 5 minutes!"

"Uh-huh. Just go change so you won't get an earful from one of our teachers."

Lisa grinned at Chaeng.

"Okay, okay, sheesh. I'll be off to change."

She waved them goodbye and headed for the restroom.


All the students from the Junior class were already at the grounds.

The first event they had to do was the four-legged race.

Each section had a set of points. With every victory they achived, the points would be accumulated, and the winning section would win an all expense paid trip to the beach.

On the first event, the participants for this were Yeri, Jinyoung, Sana and Junhoe. They were going to represent their class, 3B.

Lisa, Chaeyoung and Jennie were sitting together. They were going to cheer for their classmates while waiting for the next event.

Jennie was happily eating her milk-flavored ice cream while Chaeyoung was munching on some chips. Lisa was shouting some encouragement for their classmates while waiting for it to start.

Finally the whistle blew, and off they went!

All three girls were cheering loudly, with Chaeng jumping up and down like a rabbit, screaming her head off and making some of the chips she had fly everywhere.

Finally it ended, and sadly, 3B had only made it to third place, with Yeri trying to convince the ref that the first and second placers had cheated.

"Trust Yeri to try and argue over something like this." Jennie chuckled.

"She is so extra sometimes." Chaeyoung agreed.

"Alright! It's time for the Kibasen. Let's go, go go!" Lisa shouted as she ran towards the table where she's supposed to meet her teammates.

Chaeyoung and Jennie looked at each other and laughed.

"Your girlfriend always has way too much energy." Jennie teased.

"Oh, I know. She can be a lot to handle at times."

Then Chaeng formed her mouth into an O when she realized her mistake, with Jennie grinning at her mischeviously.

"I mean...yeah, she's not my girlfriend of course! But yeah, she is...uhm...quite energetic." she said, blushing furiously.

Jennie laughed, "It's fine Chaeng! Let's go before she explodes with too much happiness or something."

They got together for their teams, and the teachers provided each section with different colored bandannas. 3B was assigned the pink ones.

Miss Lee then proceeded to explain the rules to them.

"Alright everyone, listen up! We will provide you guys time to discuss who will be the three players on the ground and who will be your rider. All team members must wear the bandanna to indicate which section you belong to. The players at the bottom are not allowed to use their hands against your opponents. You can use your momentum to knock down the competition to separate them. If one member of a team gets separated, you will be eliminated. If your rider's bandanna is taken off by another team, you will be eliminated. Extra points will be provided to the people with bandannas, and will be added to your section's total score, even if you were eliminated. The last team standing will garner extra points to your section and will also be given free tickets to an all you can eat buffet! Also, please be careful, try to avoid injuring each other. But just in case, we do have some student volunteers who knows how to do first aid if things go way overboard. If you intentionally harm someone, you will be punished. Is everything clear?"

Everyone said yes in unison.

Chaeyoung's eyes were sparkling at the prospect of getting an all you can eat ticket.

"I must win this!"

Lisa laughed at her.

"When it comes to food, you get really fired up!"

"Because it's food Lisa! You cannot live without food! I'll definitely beat you on this!" she said, her cheeks puffing up.

"Whoa! Calm down there, chipmunk. All of us in 3B are a team after all."

Chaeyoung looked at her seriously, "Lisa, we are not a team! This is a competition!"

Lisa chuckled and just shook her head at her best friend.

"Alright, if you wanna compete, let's place a bet then. The one who gets elimated first will treat the other to any kind of food they want!"

"Okay, you got it! And the loser of this contest will also carry the winner on their back all the way to the place they wanna eat."

"Okay, I accept that."

Both of them looked at each other, they were quite fired up and ready to take on the challenge.

They did a fist bump to seal the deal.

"Get ready to taste the bitterness of being the loser, Park!"

"You wish with your unlucky ass, Manoban!"

"Okay guys, I understand you're excited, but we need to discuss about our strategy and stuff." Wendy said while tugging at Chaeyoung.

"Oh, yeah, let's go team!"

Lisa just smiled at her best friend, thinking how cute it was that she got riled up about a buffet.

But she wasn't going to make it easy for her though.

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