Not Playing Your Game

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Jennie Kim's day had started out normally.

She had been able to give back Jisoo's shirt and jacket and thanked her for her help. She decided that she wasn't as bad as others think her out to be. This helped her consider Seulgi's chances more with Irene.

She was able to get good scores on some of her exams and passed her assignments.

She was able to help Irene finish up with her plans.

She was also able to give Chaeyoung some sound advice about Lisa and hoped for the best for the both of them.

Now, she just needed to plan out some things with the theater club once classes had ended. She did promise to check out their script and help out with their musical score.

She let Chaeyoung and Lisa know where she was via their group chat, and proceeded to go to the theater arts building, which was near the school's gymnasium.

She was humming happily as she entered the building, and went towards where the stage was. She was then met with Namjoon and Hoseok, who were looking for the script.

"Aish! I left it in one of the dressing rooms. Can you get it for me RM?"

"You were the one who left it there, go get it yourself. I still have some things to do."

"Me too!"

Jennie sighed.

"I'll go get it."

She quickly turned and went outside to the dressing rooms while Namjoon and Hoseok were bickering.

She found it immediately, as it was just lying on top on one of the dressers.

Something caught her eye. She gave a small smile: it was a blonde wig.

People had been telling her she would definitely look good blonde, but she really didn't want to change her hair color.

This was a compromise that she was willing to take. There was no harm in trying to see if people's suggestions were in fact, true.

She immediately got it and wore it on her head, adjusting it as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Finally satisfied, she got the script and went back towards where the stage was.

As she opened the door, she noticed that Lisa was talking to Namjoon on the stage. She turned left and saw Chaeyoung ahead. What were they both doing here?

She was about to call Chaeyoung when suddenly, someone grabbed her hand and spun her around!

She was shocked to see that it was Kim Jisoo! She knelt and closed her eyes and said one of the most unbelievable things she had ever heard in her life!

"I'm sorry if I am shocking you like this but I had no choice! I know it must come as a surprise to you, especially from someone like me. But I wanted you to know that from the very first time I laid my eyes on you, my heart has not stopped beating rapidly whenever I am in your presence."

Wait, what? Was she hearing this right?

Jennie's heart started to beat rapidly.

"People may not know you, but I see how you can brighten someone else's day with a simple smile."

Wait a minute! Stop! Was this a confession???

Jennie's face started to heat up. She couldn't see Jisoo's eyes, but she could feel the sincerity of what she had said. Her hand was cold, but still held on to her as if she would disappear if she let her go.

"Everything you do, you do with purpose and conviction, and you always do the best that you can to stay strong for yourself."

Her jaw dropped at that statement, she didn't know what to say. She could feel her cheeks turn redder and redder, her heart rate speeding up as Jisoo told her more.

"When you look at me, my knees go weak, my mouth refuses to say words I long to say to you. You're one of the most beautiful girls I know, inside and out, and that's what makes you special to me."

Oh my God.

Now butterflies had started to invade her stomach.

What are you doing to me, Kim Jisoo?

"I am telling you this because I wanted you to know that despite what you may think about yourself, someone here likes you, and would do absolutely anything for you, even if you may not feel the same way."

She was rendered speechless. Her face was most likely as red as a tomato, her heart rate had not lessened it's pace, and the butterflies in her stomach were fluttering furiously.

She had never ever been confessed to this way. All Jisoo's emotions were raw and on the table that it was hard to doubt her sincerity.

Her hand started to tremble, she didn't know what to say or feel. She certainly could not reject the girl. She felt her hand being squeezed by her as a sign of comfort and this made her feel warm inside.

She sighed, "Jisoo...I.."

Jisoo then slowly opened her eyes and looked at her. She looked shocked and seemed to be at a loss for words as well.

She must have been pretty nervous doing this.

She was about to say something when Soojoo, one of the actresses in the theater club, had suddenly hugged and kissed Jisoo's cheeks.

She let go of Jisoo's hand immediately. Her anger started to build up as she looked at Soojoo being all over her like a possessive girlfriend and even used aegyo! She wanted to rip Soojoo out of there but doing so felt stupid. Yet the more Soojoo became clingy with her, the more furious she felt.

Jisoo, on the other hand had no reaction. After all that? Nothing?

What kind of game was she playing at, the bastard!

Soojoo was even implying they saw each other once in awhile!

Jennie felt that Jisoo had played with her emotions. She couldn't get the confession out of her head and yet here she was, easily going around with other girls.

She felt stupid falling for that, even if it was just for a few minutes.

She wasn't going to play her game. No. Not her.

She felt so angry that she went towards Jisoo and slapped her.

"Must be incredible to get all the girls you want, huh?" she told her with as much venom as she could muster, glaring at her with utmost contempt.

Then she walked out. She didn't hear Chaeyoung call out her name.

Fuck you, Kim Jisoo!

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