Jisoo closed her eyes as she knocked her head on her palms several times.
Why am I doing this? She asked herself.
She felt like an idiot, she didn't have to do the second round of the 100m dash relay.
Yet, here she was, at the track, waiting for the whole thing to start.
Even Amber was taken by surprise when she asked if she still wanted her to take her place.
Seeing Jennie run the race and then cry afterwards made her feel very guilty. She knew Jennie got injured because she made sure the beret wouldn't fall off.
She also knew that because of what had happened in the race, their section's spot had gone down to second, and they needed a win to get back in the game.
But still, I didn't ask her to run that damn race. She is so stubborn!
Jisoo huffed as she thought about it.
She was also quite worried, not about the race itself, but the fact that the beret she's wearing will be blown off when it's her turn to run.
I must keep a steady pace. Just fast enough to be ahead, but not slow enough to let my opponents catch up.
She nodded, her plan felt foolproof. Besides, their team was quite strong with Nayeon, Wendy and Sana joining in.
All three of them were athletes. Nayeon played volleyball, Wendy badminton and Sana was part of their soccer team.
She also asked them to have her run last, which they all agreed to.
She felt the three of them will gain a big enough advantage and she can then just take it easy when her turn comes.
She suddenly heard a lot of noise from somewhere near the track. She turned around and to her horror, she saw her friends carrying makeshift signs with her name on it, cheering her on.
"Wooooh! Go Jisoo! We love you!" they shouted, even making a wave and sending her flying kisses.
She heard some of the Juniors laugh and even point at her.
Jisoo face-palmed and turned away from them, embarrassed.
Jisoo wondered how they knew she would be running.
She sighed, she really needed to find normal friends.
The referee was now calling out the runners. She took her spot and made sure the beret was tucked firmly on her head.
She wished she had some sort of pin or needle to keep it in place but she had no time.
The runners took their places. Wendy would be the first, followed by Sana, Nayeon and finally, her.
The referee called out the signal, Wendy looked ready, and finally, the whistle was blown and they were off!
Wendy shot through the track like a bullet and gained a good lead among the runners. Jisoo took this as a good sign.
If this pace keeps up, I don't need to exert much effort on this. She smirked. Things were finally going her way.
Wendy reached Sana who immediately grabbed the baton and started running. What she wasn't aware of was that a runner from 3D was slowly gaining in on her.
Despite this, Jisoo still felt confident, she just needed to put all her faith on Nayeon.
Once Sana reached the next mark, section 3D was already closing in. Nayeon grabbed the baton and immediately dashed forward without looking back.

How To Win At Love | JENSOO & CHAELISA
Hayran KurguRosé has a crush on Lisa Lisa has a crush on Jennie Jennie has a crush on Jisoo Jisoo has a crush on Rosé So with this complicated web of feelings, how do you think it will end up for them? In heartache or something more? ***************************...