Don't Know What To Do

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It was a clear and sunny day, which, in Chaeyoung's mind, was a great start to their beach trip.

She had gone on the bus together with Chanyeol and they had fun talking to each other. As she got to know him, she decided that he was alright in her book.

Once they arrived, she was able to settle in her room and had Yeri as her roomate. She didn't mind, the girl was fun to hangout with and also had a lot to talk about.

She was also called in by Jennie earlier to help her get Jisoo out of the room because apparently, she did not like going out into the beach.

That was quite unheard of for her, but she accepted the fact that people can have their differences.

In the end, Jisoo had finally relented and decided to go out with them.

She was glad that Jennie was getting to know new people, especially with the fact that she looked happier now. Being friends with Jisoo had a positive effect on her and Rosé observed that she was less cold towards people than usual.

She always had a feeling that Jisoo wasn't as bad as she turned out to be, and she was glad that she was right.

She told Jennie she wouldn't be joining them today since Chanyeol had invited her to come along with some of his friends, and she decided to accept.

After her confession with Lisa, things had gotten a bit awkward between them. It wasn't Lisa's fault or anything, she just didn't know how to deal with the aftermath.

They were still friends, but she guessed they both just needed a little bit of time to adjust to the situation. She also realized she wanted to befriend new people and widen her circle of friends, thus the reason she accepted Chanyeol's invitation.

She was determined to move on from Lisa, and she felt that the first step she needed to do was to try and live her life as much as she could.

Lisa would always be her best friend, and she will always be there for her, she just needed to get to know new people.

As she got ready, she decided to wear her orange sundress with black markings with her bikini underneath it in case she wanted to go ahead and swim.

She and Chanyeol had planned on meeting at the reception center, so once she felt she looked presentable enough, she went downstairs to meet him over there.

She was glad to see that he had already arrived. When he saw her, he smiled and gave her a soft whistle.

"Wow, you look really good, Chaeyoung!"

She smiled shyly, "Thank you! It's nothing much, really."

"No, no, I mean it. This look suits you. Hasn't anyone ever told you that you look attractive?"

She blushed slightly at the compliment, "Uhm, no, not really."

"That's too bad, it's something you should hear more often." he said, looking at her softly.

She just laughed, not really knowing what to say.


"Well then, let's get going."


They were both talking animatedly until they reached Chanyeol's friends, namely Baekhyun and Sehun.

Baekhyun was known as their class clown whereas Sehun was a little more stoic but was also one of the handsomest guys in their year.

The four of them decided to take a stroll around the beach and find stuff they could eat since Chaeyoung felt a bit peckish.

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