Hatching a Plan

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The bell rang to signal the start of their lunch period. Lisa yawned, stretching her long body in the process.

Aah! Man I'm famished!

"Chaeng-ah, let's go eat. I'm starving!"

"Oh my God, me too! I've been thinking about food all day."

Lisa chuckled, she knew Chaeng meant that. When it comes to having an unbreakable relationship, it was definitely Rosé and food.

"Hey Jen, eat with us." Lisa said, extending an invitation to her.

"Sure, why not?" She agreed.

"Awesome! To the cafeteria then!"

Jennie smiled and shook her head in amusement.

Yes! Some progress! Lisa thought, giving herself a secret pat on the back.

She couldn't deny that she had a really strong attraction to the brunette. She was beautiful and smart, her eyes were her most attractive feature on her body, and she was also a kind-hearted person, despite her persona.

She knew having a crush on Jennie Kim was akin to suicide. She knew Jennie never agreed to be asked out and was quick to deny her suitors, which made her more appealing to the general population of YG. But she wanted to give it a try.

There's always a first time for everything. She said to herself.

Chaeng had suddenly held her hand and intertwined it with hers, then placed her head on one of her shoulders.

"Let's go Lisa, before I die of starvation." Chaeng cried and gave her a small pout. Lisa smiled warmly at her.

"Yeah, let's go. I don't want my best friend dying on me." Chaeng smiled sweetly as they walked towards the cafeteria.

When they finally picked their lunch, they sat on one of the tables and started eating. Lisa was looking at Jennie, who was eating and reading at the same time.

"Is that a good book?" Lisa asked

Jennie looked up, "I didn't know you liked to read."

Lisa gave her a lopsided smile, "I don't, but maybe if you can recommend me something good, I'll give it a shot."

"I highly doubt it, but maybe you can start with the Harry Potter series."

"I've seen all the movies, why would I want to read the same story?"

Jennie smirked and looked at her, "Because not everything can be translated on screen. Besides, books can give you a wider perspective of what's happening. It's also way better than the movies."

Lisa thought about it. "Okay, if that's the case, I'll go ahead and give it a try."

Jennie shrugged "Okay.", and got back to reading her book.

Lisa sighed. Jennie was indeed difficult to get through. How was she going to get the girl when she couldn't find a common ground about the both of them?

While she was thinking, she heard a message ringtone. Jennie quickly got her phone, read the message and groaned.

"Oh no, I forgot I needed to work with Irene about the preparation for her inauguration as Student Council President. I'm sorry guys, I have to go. See you later Lisa, Chaeng."

She then got her things and started walking to the direction of the student council office. Lisa sighed.

"What should I do, Chaeng-ah?"

Rosé raised her eyebrows, "Oh, so now I exist?"

Lisa laughed, "Oh come on, Chaeng. We don't get to be with Jennie that often. I'm sorry if I ignored you for a bit. Please, please forgive me?", she said, pouting and holding Rosé's hand.

Rosé could not resist her puppy-dog eyed look and smiled, "Fine. Be thankful that I love your dumb ass."

Lisa grinned, "I knew you couldn't resist me, Chaeng-ah!"

"Shut up, Lisa!", she said, and looked down as she could feel her cheeks burning.

"I really like Jennie, and want to impress her. But I don't know what to do.", she said sadly.

Rosé sighed and took a deep breath, she knew she was going to regret this.

"Well, Jennie did mention about someone confessing to her in the most sincerest way possible. Maybe you can work on that and see where it goes from there?"

Lisa hadn't thought of that. Of course! She can try to do that.

"Oh my God! You're a genius, Chaeng! That could certainly work in my favor! Did I ever tell you you're the greatest best friend ever?"

"Geez, you sound like a six year old. And duh, yeah, you told me that like, a hundred times!"

Lisa hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you, Chaeng!"

"I love you too, Lis.", she answered weakly, feeling her heart break a bit.

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