Caught Red-Handed

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A/N Trigger Warning: In case some people might be sensitive about this topic. No worries, it doesn't deal with suicide or anything but more on abusive substances.


Lisa was walking aimlessly at the beach. She was upset at herself, especially when she realized she was letting her emotions control her decision-making again.

The sun had already set and the moon was beginning to show itself on the horizon, and the stars were getting clearer.

She felt really stupid, she should have just let Chaeyoung be, but she just had to be there.

Her best friend was right, she was acting like a creepy stalker.

You already talked about this to yourself, right Lisa? You already promised you wouldn't do stupid things.

She sighed. Yet here she was, continuing to do stupid things.

She threw a stone towards the water, then she watched as the ripples began to show up.

Yeah, it's like everything you have done so far has a ripple effect.

She continued to walk around, trying to find her peace of mind.

When she got to a certain area, she suddenly heard a muffled noise near one of the huts.

She could just have passed it off as nothing, but her curiousity got the better of her.

She slowly went behind the huts and tried to see what was up, then to her surprise, she saw Jisoo, talking with Baekhyun.

Actually more on threatening Baekhyun.

She hid herself behind one of the boxes she had found and tried to listen in to their conversation.

"I said I have nothing on me, Jis."

For a small girl, Lisa saw that Jisoo was quite strong. She heard that the girl had studied martial arts or something.

She had pushed Baekhyun back into the wall.

Jisoo looked pissed.

"Do not fucking lie to me, Baek. I know what goes on around here. Do I look like I'm stupid huh?" She said, her eyes blazing.

Baekhyun look at her nervously.

"L-look man, this is my only remaining stash, I used my last savings on it."

"Do I look like I care? Where is it?"

Baekhyun looked almost pleading.

"Come on, Jis. You know how it is, I promise the next time I'll give you a much bigger one, just not today. Please?"

"I am not playing games here, Baek. You know how it works, if any of us asks, you give. I've run out as well, so the priority here is me, not you. Or would you rather be in a world of pain?"


"Then, give me your stash."

Baekhyun looked like he really didn't have a choice, but he dove into his pockets anyway and gave something over to Jisoo.

Lisa tried to look at it closely, and then she gasped when she finally saw what it was.

It was a white, powdery substance inside a small, plastic packet.

Shit, drugs.

Jisoo pocketed it and smirked, then patted Baekhyun on the chest.

"Good boy, thanks for your service. You may now leave."

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