I Like You But She Likes Her

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Chaeyoung Park, or Rosé, as some of her friends called her, was deep in thought as she stared out the window.

She had her hands cupped to her chin, and sighed heavily as one person came into her mind.

What do you do when you're in love with your best friend? She asked herself. It had been bugging her for a few months now.

Lisa Manoban had been her best friend since they were in 4th grade. They had shared a lot of things and had been through so much together. One day, she suddenly realized she had feelings that were definitely not related to being a best friend, but she knew she would never be Lisa's type.

Lisa was after all very popular at YG. She was the soccer team's captain and leader of the school's dance club. She had girls all over her and was able to pick up any chick she wanted if she decided she liked them enough. Apparently, Rosé wasn't one of the girls Lisa liked to be romantically involved with.

She then noticed somone had been staring at her for sometime. When she saw who it was, her heart jumped immediately. It was Kim Jisoo, the notorious delinquint of YG High. Jisoo had smiled at her, she didn't know what to do, so she gave her an uneasy grin and looked to the front of the classroom.

Wait. Why is she here? Isn't she supposed to be a Senior? Rosé thought.

Why was she looking at me though? That was scary. I hope I won't get bullied by her, that would be awful. I never did anything to her.

She was getting a little scared until she heard a familiar voice call out her name.

"Chaeng-ah! Chaeng-ah!"

Rosè smiled to herself, nobody would be this annoying early in the morning except Lisa. Thoughts of Jisoo evaporated immediately.

"Ah Lisa-yah! It's so early in the morning but you're so full of energy!"

"Well of course! Why shouldn't I be?" Lisa said as she gave Rosé her widest grin, which made her heart flutter.

Lisa was quite tall, but Rosé was an inch taller than her. She had long, ash brown hair that fell below her shoulders. She always had a mischevious look on her dark brown eyes and had a lanky build. Today, she had her favorite plain black hoodie on with gray skinny jeans and a pair of black and white chucks. Rosé thought she looked really cute.

"I wonder why you're so happy today?" Rosé asked her, and Lisa grinned even wider, which made her stomach do flipflops. The answer was not far behind.

"Is she always this cheerful early in the morning, Chaeng?" somebody asked her behind Lisa. Rosé tilted her head to see who it was.

Of course. Rosé sighed.

It seems that her best friend was happy because they were now classmates with Jennie Kim. Jennie was known as the school's Ice Princess due to the fact that she always had her resting bitch face on. It didn't help that she was also quite sarcastic and would rebuff or play with the feelings of anyone who tried to ask her out.

Not only that, Jennie was good looking and very rich. Her cat eyes seemed to bore into your soul and her brown, wavy hair fell perfectly below her shoulders. She was also known as the school's fashion icon. In fact today, she had on a brown off-shoulder top with faded blue jeans and white sneakers.

Also, Lisa had a huge crush on Jennie, and the three of them were good friends. She knew despite Jennie's reputation, that she was a good person and a softie. She just didn't believe in love due to her parents splitting up. But she also got jealous that Lisa had a crush on her.

"Yes. She's after all, someone who's always on caffeine 24/7." Rosé answered her. Jennie gave her an amused smile.

"I should look out for that then. Too much energy can be tiring in the morning."

"Aah, but Jennie-yah! It's always nice to be happy and positive! Especially now that you're here." Lisa winked. Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Clearly were not on the same page, Manoban."

Rosé giggled. At least Jennie always spurned Lisa's attention, which made her feel better.

"Aah! That was painful, Kim!" Lisa said, mockingly putting her hands on her chest and pretending to have been shot.

"There's more where that came from." Jennie told her.

"I'll forgive you if we kiss and make up." Lisa said, smirking.

"Thanks Lisa, but the Energizer Bunny isn't exactly my type."

Chaeyoung had laughed out loud at what Jennie had said. She felt bad for Lisa, but then again, that was a pretty good burn.

Lisa just smiled and grinned sheepishly. She had once again, struck out with Jennie Kim.

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