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Characters// ages// circa 2014
Christina Cimorelli// age 24// August 12,1990
Katherine Cimorelli// Age 22// March 4, 1992
Lisa Cimorelli// Age 19// September 19,1995
Amy Cimorelli// Age 18// July 1, 1996
Lauren Cimorelli// Age 16// August 12,1998
Dani Cimorelli// Age 14// June 15, 2000
Archer Cimorelli// Age 9// May 5, 2005
Sage Dylan// Age 6// February 8, 2008
Kelsie Dylan// Age 7// July 2, 2007
Allison Dylan// Age 4// March 4, 2010
I'm from a orphanage, in Nashville Tennessee, I'm Archer I'm 9 and I've been a orphan for most of my life. I'm very quiet. I don't talk to any of the other kids in the orphanage, but there's only lady who's been working there since I can to the orphanage, her name is Christina. She's like my mom and take cares of me when no one else does. They people who work there doesn't like me, they hurt me, I do have a eating disorder, but they tease me about it, Christina makes sure I'm okay all the time and she's makes me happy.


"Archer get down here!" Miss Boiss calls. I walk down the stairs in fear.

I get yanked by the hair and thrown into someone's arms, I couldn't tell who it was till I looked up.

"Chrissy." I said and I hugged her tighter.

"It's okay lovey, I'm taking you home with me." She smiled, she picked me up and took me to her car. 

"Oh Archer, I'd like you to meet my fiance Millie." She introduced.

"Hi Millie. Very nice to meet you."  I waved.

"Millie this is Archer, she's 9, I've been working with her since I was 15. So for 9 years almost." Christina said to Millie.  It was a long drive to the new house. We were going back to CA were her family was.

Apparently Christina, moved to Tennessee with her grandma after her parents died, but this is how she copes with her depression by being with younger children. 

We've been driving for 2 hours, i layed my head on Millies lap and fell asleep.

Christina's POV

Archer just fell asleep.

"Wow babe, she really seems to trust you." I told her.

"The might be because your driving and she doesn't want to distract you." Millie laughed.

"Well, that could be true but look how calm she is." I smiled.

"Yeah she really is."  Millie said to me stroking her hair.  


We've been driving for 6 hours now; Millie and I decided to stop for dinner, and when we were done she would drive the next 6 hours.

I tapped Archer on the shoulder, she curled up to Millie.

"Archer, we're going to go inside and eat, then will continue driving." I said and I kissed her forehead. 

Millie got out of the car, she picked up Archer.

Christina's POV

Archer just fell asleep.

"Wow babe, she really seems to trust you." I told her.

"The might be because your driving and she doesn't want to distract you." Millie laughed.

"Well, that could be true but look how calm she is." I smiled.

"Yeah she really is."  Millie said to me stroking her hair.  


We've been driving for 6 hours now; Millie and I decided to stop for dinner, and when we were done she would drive the next 6 hours.

I tapped Archer on the shoulder, she curled up to Millie.

"Archer, we're going to go inside and eat, then will continue driving." I said and I kissed her forehead. 

Millie got out of the car, she picked up Archer.

"Okay Archer, if you can have bites of my food, I will be happy. And I will get you something if you eat half of what I give you." I told her. 

"Okay." She frowned as we walked in.
Hello rats! this is a new story for you guys! hope you guys enjoy it!! K byeee -malie

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