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Christina's POV

We all ran towards the basement.

"Kelsie Jane Marie! Open this door right now!" I shouted.

"No!" She yelled back.

"1..." I began to count.

"2..." now she was just testing my patience.

"2 and a half..." I stopped and I heard the door open and she tried to run away. I picked her up and as she kicked and screamed "put me down" as much as it hurt I didn't put her down. I walked to the couch and held her tightly and rocked her back and fourth.

-10 minutes later-

She finally began to calm down, she was still crying, I continued to rock her and her breathing began to slow down. Next thing you know she's asleep. Millie sat next to me as she felt her forehead.

"Works everytime." I said.

"What has gotten into her I wonder?" Millie wondered.

"I don't know but this'll be a long talk later." I said. Then Mike walked down stairs.

"Hey sis, you want me to take her?" Mike asked and I nodded.

Mine walked over and to Kelsie and sat on the other couch and rocked her.

"Now where was I?" I asked myself walking back upstairs. To Lauren's room.

"Knock Knock" I said knocking but no answer. I walked in to find Avery laying next to Lauren with her head on her shoulder and Archer laying in Dani's arms. I snapped a picture of them.

@ChristinaCim>> These 4 musketeers! Cousins for life! [R-L: Lauren,17, Avery,13, Dani, 15, Archer,10]❤️ @DaniCim @LaurenCim

I forgot the sound was on when the picture was taken.

"Christina." Archer groaned.

"Sorry." I laughed. And Lauren,Dani and Avery woke up.

"Hi Mrs. Cimorelli." Avery said.

" Avery, please Christina." I reassured.

" hi Christina." Lauren and Dani said.

"Do you guys want to go out for dinner? What's the plan?" I asked.

"It would be nice to go out, we haven't done that in a while." Archer suggested and I smiled.

"That sounds good! I'll call some of my old friends, that are, well technically your "aunts and uncles" and Avery I'll called Nick? I'll call family meeting " I suggest.

"Okay!" They all agreed and I went downstairs into the kitchen.

"Family meeting! In the living room now please!" I called.

Everyone came downstairs, Mike was asleep in the chair with Kelsie, Lauren handed me Allison and Lauren sat with Dani, Avery, and Archer, Sage sat with Katherine, I woke Mike and Kelsie still slept then I stood with Millie.

"Tonight were going out, suggest by Archer, we will make reservations for the Calabria, downtown, I'm going to text James and Lauren and call Nick." I said and my sisters faces went blank.

"Nick?" Lisa, Amy, and Katherine asked.

"Yes, my Nick, my long time best friend is Averys brother." I said and they were all shocked.

"Nick is also Christians cousin." Avery mentioned, Lauren look at me.

"Wait are you serious?" She asked.

"Yup." I smiled.

"I new the resemblance looked similar!" Lauren said.

"Can he come?" Lauren asked and I nodded.

"Okay everyone Millie, Kath and Mike will be driving, so go get done." I said and they scattered to get ready I held Kelsie as I texted James.

" I said and they scattered to get ready I held Kelsie as I texted James

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—1 hour later—

"Okay, Katherine, you'll drive Amy and Lisa and Me and Kelsie , Millie you'll drive Avery, Archer and Dani and Lauren and Mike, you will drive Sage and Allison." They all nodded and we went to our cars.

-15 minutes later-

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