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I hugged everyone as we gathered in the living room. Millie sat next to me and I held Archer in my arms.

"Well hi guys." I cried and Archer wrapped her arms around my neck.

"It's okay to Cici." Archer told me and I kissed her forehead.

"Wow little sis, can't believe your actually a mom." Mike said to me.

"Yeah, do you think mom would be proud?" I asked as I rocked Archer.

"Of course Chris. And the fact your the first Cimorelli getting married." Lisa said.

"Gee I really do miss her." I said.

"We all do." Amy told us.

"Guys, is like you to meet my fiancé Millie." I said introducing her. She got a bunch of hellos and nice to meet yous.

"And for the one over here?" Lisa asked.

"Oh right. She's so quite and light I forget I'm holding her, this is my daughter, Archer; she 9 she is literally the love of my lif- ouch." I got interrupted by being smacks.

"One of the loves of my life, beside my fiancé, and she literally the biggest baby to me, but I love her for that." I said, then Archer sat up.

"Cici? Who are these people?" Archer asked.

"Archer these are you aunts and uncle, from this end is Kath, your cousin Lauren, Amy, Lisa, and your uncle Mike." I said.

"Oh hi." She told them and the all waved.

"She is to cute Christina." Kath said.

"Yeah I know she's pretty great." I laughed.

Dani's POV

I'm in my room? How did I get here? Well maybe I should go check what going on down stairs.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Christina!" I shouted.

Christina's POV

Dani just walked downstairs calling my name. I gave Archer to Millie and stood up.

Dani came and hugged me.

"I missed you so much!" She cried.

"I thought you were mad at me?" I asked.

"What? When did I say the that?" Dani asked.

I walked over to Lisa.

"Does she not remember?" I asked her.

"She hit her head pretty hard so she has some memory loss, not a lot it'll wear off soon." Lisa told me.

"So she'll end up hating me at some point." I said.

"Eventually." Lisa frowned.

"Oh." I frowned and then we walked back into the living room.

"Cici." Archer said running to me.

"Easy, easy. Hi baby." I said and she hugged me.

"You didn't tell me you had 5 sisters." Archer told me.

"Oh I didn't? Funny." I said and I looked at Millie, she shakes her head in laughter.

"Christina?" Dani asked.

"Yes Dani?" I responded.

"So is Archer my cousin?" Dani asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay." She said.


There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said and I picked up Archer and walked to the door.

I open the door to find three kids around Laurens age. It was 2 girls and a guy.

" hey pretty lady is Dani around?" The boy asked.

" first of all that is disrespectful, and yes she is and she's not coming to the door." I said.

" and why not?" The girl asked.

"Because I said so." I argued. Then Lauren walked up beside me.

"Christina, why are these kids here?" Lauren asked.

"So Christina's the name? And who are you exactly to this family? Oh sweet Lauren how great it is to see you." The boy said.

"I'm Dani's oldest sister, and why are you you here?" I said.

"I'm here to pick up old Dani and take her out to a party." The boy said.


Wow Hi... it's been a while! I hope you're enjoying this story! K bye -malie❤️❤️

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