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Dani's  POV

Why is everything coming back to me? Why is Christina here? Why is Alex at my door? Why does Christina holding a child?

Christina's POV

"Oh no you don't." I yelled and Lauren picked up Archer, I smacked him across the face. They girls pulled my hair.  And Mike tried to jump in but I beat those girls up.

"You stay away from my little sister! You hear me? You did this to her! You ignorant human beings!"  I yelled. They nodded scarily and ran off.

Dani's POV

Those kids showed up at my house again. I was very scared. I walked up behind Lisa. She wrapped her arm around me.

Christina's POV

Everyone looked at me shocked, I didn't even realize Dani was standing there the whole time.   She looked me dead in the eye and ran into my arms.

"I'm sorry Chrissy, I'm so sorry." She cried.

"Hey hey hey Dani, shh it's okay, there's  nothing to to be sorry about." I hugged her some more.

"I've missed you so much! I don't know what has gotten into me." Dani said.

"Well I hope that's all in the past now." I told her. 

"Me too." Dani cried. I looked over to see Millie.

"Babe, I'm so sorry you had to see that." I said. She looked at me and hugged me so tight.

"How are you so amazing?" She cried.

"I don't know but I got it from someone pretty amazing." I laughed.

"And who would that person be?" She asked confused.

"Me." Archer interrupted, whole laying on Lauren's lap, Millie and I both looked at eachother and looked back at Archer we ran over to her and I put her on my hip, and Millie and I kissed a side of her cheek.

"Awww family photo." Amy said taking a picture.

"Everyone get in! I'll take your picture." Millie said.

"Millie you're in this family now. I'll take a picture of all the girl and you then I'll do a timer." Mike suggested, and Millie stood beside me and Archer, Next to Millie was Amy and Lauren , and next to me was Dani and Lisa, behind all of us was Kath.

Then Mike stepped in.

"Perfect." Mike said.

It was now dinner time, I was laying upstairs in my old room, with Dani and Archer and Millie , then someone knocked on the door.

"Hey it's Mike." He said.

"Come in." I said and he walked in.

"Were going to go out to for dinner, I know y'all are tired but if your still up for it?" Mike asked.

"I think will stay here, Dani? If you wan-" I paused, and I looked at Dani all snuggled up with Millie.

"Us 4 will stay here. Plus I have to change Archs tube, we can maybe go down to the park tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Sounds good, get some rest Lil sis." Mike said.

"Will do. See ya later Mike." I said.

"Bye guys, bye ArchieBear, bye DaniBear." Mike waved.

"Bye uncle Mike." Archer said half asleep.

"Bye Mike." Dani waved half asleep. And Mike walked out.

I turned to face Archer and Millie faced Dani.

"Our girls." I said.

"Our girls, well and Lauren of course." Millie laughed.

"I love our little family. It's good to be home."  I smiled.

"It sure is." Millie said as we both fell asleep.


Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far!!!🥰 Malie

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