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Christina's POV -The Next Morning-

I woke up and I remember Sage was next to me. I turned to kiss his face. Then I saw Millie on her phone.

"Hey baby." Millie said to me.

"Hi, what time is it?" I asked.

"It's 9:30 am, you two have been sleeping for a while." Millie laughed.

"Have you seen Archer," I asked.

"Yeah, she was with Mike after breakfast. She hasn't been talking though, I'm worried about her." Millie said.

"Me too, I think it's time to get up now." I laughed and turned to Sage.

"Sage, it's time to get up sweetie." I told him and he reached out to Millie for him to be carried and Millie picked him up.

We walked down to the kitchen, then I saw Archer sitting at the table with Lauren and Dani, She looked up and grinned and looked back down.

"Hey Archer." I said and she looked up at me.

"Hey Chrissy." Archer replied. It broke my heart that she could call me Cici.

I walked over to her and gave her a side hug.  She refused to hug back. The poor thing.

"Lauren." She called, and Lauren walked beside her and picked her up.

"Oh Christina there was something left for you on the front step." Lauren told me and I looked at her confused. But I walked to the front door and opened it.

There was a box, I picked it up and it said

To: Christina From: Your Fav Lauren

I looked back and saw Lauren. She looked at me and smiled and ran off with Archie like nothing happened.

I walked up to Millies and I's room and sat down on the bed with the box.

The first thing I saw was to tickets and a note.

Christina, now I know what you're thinking but no need to thank me, take a break from us and have fun xoxo Lauren❤️

Then I found I framed pictures of all the girls and Sage.

I know you're really going to miss us so here is a picture of  all of us

Then there was a long note in a envelope.

Mimi and Cici, I don't even know where to start but I think I should start here with something I don't need to do but I want to say I'm sorry, I can't believe my father would do something to me on your wedding day, you had to leave the best part of your wedding just for me, you didn't even have to, I'm not even really your child by blood so why save me?  It's going to take me a while to get back on my feet, it's going to take me a while to say Mimi and Cici again so please bear with me. I love you so much and have fun in Cabo, and just breathe. Xoxo Archer❤️💓

I sat there with tears in my eyes, Millie comforted me.

"She thinks she's the one to apologize. I I don't know how to handle this." I said honestly to Millie.

"Babe, maybe after the vacation she'll be better." Millie though.

"Yeah we should get packing." I said.

"Yeah, and babe don't worry about it she's going to be okay." Millie reassured.

"Okay." I sighed.

~2:30 pm~

We finished packing and we walked downstairs and were preparing to head out because our flight leaves at 6:00.

~4:00 PM~

Millie and I plus the girls were eating dinner and Archer didn't say a word.

-5:00 pm-

We were about to head out the door when I heard a running. It was Archer.

"Easy baby." I said ,that was the only word that came out of my mouth. She ran into Millie and I's arms and cried.

"Shhh it's okay baby." Millie said trying to calm her down. Her breathing picked up and Lauren picked her up and layed her on the couch and sat with her.

The poor thing had a panic attack from us leaving.

"Bye Everyone." We said, well more like cried and we went to the airport.


New chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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