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"Hi table for 3 please." I asked the waiter.

"Right this way." He walked us to the table and Millie sat across from us and Archer sat in my lap. 


"Hi can I start you off with a drink?" The waiter asked.

"Yes, water is fine." I said. 

"So Archer, I have to get you talking a bit. How do you fell that your coming home with me?" I asked her.

"I'm very happy, but why did It take you so long?" Archer asked. 

"Archer, I was only 15 when I met you, now I'm 24, I had to wait till I was out of college. But now your officially mine." I told her and she layed her head in the crook of my neck.

"I love you both." Archer said.

"We love you too." Millie and I said to Archer.


They arrived with are food and I woke up Archer.

"Archer, time to eat." I told her.

"Chrissy," she pouted.

"Archer remember what I told you." I stroked her hair and fed her food like a baby.

"That's a good girl." I stroked her hair.


We finished eating and we paid the check.

"I'm proud of you Archie, you at a lot today." I told her, she nodded while she was half awake and layed her head on my shoulder. 

We got into the car and stopped at a gas station to get gas and coffee for the both of us.

"Babe, can you get me a ice Carmel latte, large please, I'll pay you back?" I told Millie.

"Don't worry about it babe, I got you." She smiled at me and walked in.


A few minutes later, Millie walked out with my coffee.

"Thanks baby." I said to her and she kissed my forehead.


We've been driving about 4 hours and I'm in the backseat with Archer.


Archer started shaking rapidly. I unbuckled her seat belt and swooped her in my lap.

"Archer, it's okay, mommas here, your alright." I stroked her hair, he forehead was sweating and her palms were sweltering.

"Momma?" She cried.

"It's okay, shhh, go back to sleep." I rubbed her forehead.

"Babe is she okay?" Millie asked me. 

"Yeah she's fine, just a nightmare." I said and we continued driving.

We arrived in Oklahoma and got a hotel. The time was now 12:00 am and Archer was knocked out, the poor thing was so tired.

I carried her up to our room and layed her on the bed. I layed down with her Millie layed in the other bed. I wrapped my arm around her and she stroddled me into a cuddle. She was so sweet. Within 10 minutes we were all asleep.

***5:00 am

I woke up to Archer coughing, her face was turning red.

"Archer!!!!" I yelled and picked her up, trying to get her to breath. She was choking on her own breath. I pulled out my phone and called 911.


Hi my name is Christina Cimorelli and my daughter is not breathing, she's choking on her own breath and her face is turn red.

Okay we are on our way!

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