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Christina's POV
We reached the car and Millie got in her car because she brought her car.

"Cici?" Archer asked.

"Oh your awake, what's up baby?" I replied.

"Can I go with Mimi?" Archer asked.

"Don't ask me, ask Mimi yourself, your a big girl." I told her.

"Okay," she smiled and turned to Millie.

"Mimi?" Archer said quietly.

"Yes Archie?" Millie asked.

"Can I ride with you?" Archer asked.

"Did you ask your Cici?" Millie looked at me.

"Yes, she did and I said she could." I said picking Archer out of the wheel chair, and placing her in Millies car.

"I'll follow you babe, since you know where we are going." I said with a bit of laughter.

"Okay I'll see you when we get there." Millie and Archer waved at the window, And I waved back.
Millies POV

We arrived back home, I couldn't believe how scared I was to see this.

"Mimi?" Archer said.

"Yes love bug?" I looked back into my mirror.

"I'm nervous." Archers voice broke.

"It's okay hunny, my siblings will love you." I told her.

"How old are your siblings Mimi?" Archer asked.

" My sister Lindsey is 18 and my brother James is 19." I told her.

"Okay." She said as she fell asleep, then Christina came over and picked up Archer.

Christina's POV

I just picked up Archer out of the car and walked with Jessie and Millie to door.

"Ready Mils?" Jessie asked her.

"I'm ready." Millie said.

Jessie knocked on the door, and a girl came to the door and her mouth dropped.

"Millie?!" The girl screeched and hugged her tight.

"I'm so sorry for leaving Lindsey! I missed you so much." Millie cried into her shoulder. Then a young boy came around.

"James." Millie said and he didn't say a word and he hugged her very tight.

"I missed you." James cried into her shoulder.

"Everyone lets go inside, and talk, catch up." Jessie told us all and I carried in Archer.

We all sat down and I fixed the way I was holding Archer.

"Lindsey, James and Mom too, I would like to introduce my fiancé, Christina and my daughter Archer." Millie said and I waved to them; Lindsey's face lit up.

"I'm a aunt!?" Lindsay said happily.

"Yes, you are." Millie laughed.

"You are also my sisters-in-law." I said.

"Did I mention your very pretty?" Lindsey said.

"Okay Lindsey. Don't go flirty on my fiancé." Millie laughed.

"I'm just saying." Lindsey laughed.

"It's very nice to meet you Christina, and it very nice to meet my first niece Archer." James said to us. He seems kind of upset with us but he's only 19 how could he know anything.

"How long are you here for?" Lindsey asked.

"Just for a couple of hours, then we have to head back to California."  Millie explained.

"You couldn't possibly stay till tomorrow could you guys?" Lindsey asked. 

"I mean I don't see why not," Millie said.

"Babe?" Millie added but I went blank my phone buzzed and I picked it up and saw a text from Kath.


Hey guys I hope your enjoying the story so far! Can't wait till y'all read the rest! Lmk if I can do anything to make improvements :) k bye -malie ❤️

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