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(Still Millies POV)
"Babe." I looked in to Christina's eyes and she got up and hugged me.

"I would've woken you up, but I was worrying to much, I'm sorry." Christina said.

"Babe it's okay, I'm just glad she's okay." I told Christina and she picked my lips.


Christina's POV

It's now 8:00 am and I'm sitting on one side of the bed and Millie was on the other side. It was such a sentimental moment.

I held Archer hand as she began to wake up.

"Hey Archer." I said to her.

"Momma?" She squinted.

"We're right here baby." Millie said, I looked at her and laughed.

"Archer, to make this less complicated, you can called me Millie; if you can figure out a solution just let me know."  Millie laughed.

"Okay, I can call Christina, Cici and I can call you Mimi." Archer suggested.

"Okay that worked for me. Millie?" I asked.

"Yeah that's perfect." She smiled.


The time is now 9:05 am. The doctor walked in, and Archer just woke up.

"Hey Archer, how you feeling?" Dr. Ross asked.

"My head hurts a little, but other then that no pain." Archer explained.

"Well lucky for you, you get to go home!" He said.

"Yay!" She smiled.

"I'll just have you mom sign these."  Dr. Ross handed me the papers.


I signed the papers and we started walking until till we were stopped.

" Millie?" Mrs. Brown asked as she walked towards us.

"Mom." You could see the tears forming in Millies eyes and I rubbed her back.

" look Mills I'm sorry." Mrs. Brown reached out for a hug.

" it's Okay." Millie replied as she went and hugged her mom.

" where are you off to Millie?"Mrs. Brown asked.

" back home to California with Christina and Archer." Millie explained.

"You couldn't possibly stay for a little while could you?"Mrs. Brown asked Millie.

Millie looked at me.

"I don't see why not.My family can wait. Just let me send a text real quick." I said to Millie, pulling out my phone.

Hey Kath, it's me, Christina, I know it's been a while but I finally am getting married and I have a family! But the worst thing happened, I'm gay, I'm sorry I never told anyone, but I'm now happy with my fiancé and my daughter. I miss you Kath, I'm on my way back to Cali, love you guys❤️ ~Chris

The tears rolled down my face.

"Are you okay Cici?" I heard Archers little raspy voice, I wiped my eyes and crouched down to her.

"Yes bubz, I'm fine, I just remembered something." I said.

"Well mom, we could go to library, or stroll in the park?" Millie asked her mother.

"I was thinking about going back home for a little bit?" Mrs. Brown suggested.

"What about dad?" Millie asked.

"Millie, your dad and I split apart after you left, Lindsey and James miss you so much, and I don't know what there reaction will be if you come back." Mrs. Brown told Millie, her eyes were red and puffy. I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Okay, we can do that." Millie said and I smiled at her.

"Oh Mrs. Brown," I interrupted.

"Please Christina, Jessie," Jessie cut me off.

"Well Jessie, you briefly met but I'd like you to meet our daughter Archer. Clearly someone's tired but when she wakes she'll be more talkative." I said with a bit of laughter.

"Awesome! Well I'll meet you at home?" Jessie asked.

"Yup." We both said and we walked out wheeling Archer.

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