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Christina's POV

"Hey everybody! Today is July 12th, 2015, Welcome to the Cimorelli family channel! If you're new here click subscribe and tap the bell. Now will start with introducing ourselves with our names and birthdays ." I said to the camera.

"Hi I'm Micheal Joseph Jr, I'm the oldest Cimorelli and the only brother! I'm 26, my birthday is February 13, 1988."

"Hi I'm Christina Lynne, I'm the oldest sister of Cimorelli, and I just turned 25, my birthday is August 12th, 1990."

"Hi I'm Millie Renee, I'm not related to Cimorelli, but Christina is my wife, I'm 24 and my birthday is April 6, 1991."

"I'm Katherine Ann and I'm the second oldest sister of Cimorelli, I'm 21 and my birthday is March 4th, 1992."

"I'm Lisa Michelle, I'm the 3rd oldest sister of Cimorelli, I'm 20 and my birthday is September 19th, 1995."!

"I'm Amy Elizabeth, I'm the 4th oldest sister of Cimorelli I'm 19, my birthday is July 1st, 1996."

"I'm Lauren Christine, I'm the 5th oldest sister of Cimorelli, I also just turn 17, my birthday is also August 12th,1998."

"And I'm Dani Nicole, I'm the youngest sister of Cimorelli and I'm 15 and my birthday is June 15th,2000."

"Now for the fun part let me introduce my kids, I have 1 boy, and 3 girls. They are all adopted also." I said to the camera.

"The girl on the end next to Mike is my oldest, Archer Rose, she's 10 and was born May 5th, 2005." I said then point to Kelsie.

"The one sitting with Lisa is my second oldest, that's Kelsie Jane, she's 8 and she was born July 2nd, 2007." I said then I pointed to Sage.

"The one sitting with Mike is my 3rd oldest and my only boy, that's Sage Micheal and  he's 7, and his birthday is February 8th 2008." I said.

"Then right here with me is my baby and also my youngest Allison, Allison can you wave and say hi?" I asked her.

"Hi." She said waving to the camera.

Everyone awed.

"Allison May is 5 years old, and she also shares a birthday with Katherine, March 4th, oh and she was born in 2010." I mentioned.

"Now we are going to answer some questions you guys asked on Instagram." Millie said picking up her phone and handed it to Mike.

"The first question is for Christina and well Millie, do the kids get along well with you and your sisters, and or with eachother?" Mike read.

"Archer is really close with Lauren, Dani and Lisa, but I'd say she's closer to both of us, depending on the day, it varies. Sage is really close to Mike, Katherine and Lauren, but I'd say he's closer to Millie. Kelsie and Allison are still warming up to us, so it may take a while." I said, the Mike handed the phone to Katherine.

"The next question asks what are the kids hobbies?" Katherine asked.

"So Archer loves to play piano and she loves to do dance and Gymnastics. Sage is still quite young but he loves building and construction, Kelsie loves to cooks, oh and even though Kelsie is still warming up to us she's quite close to Katherine because of the same interests, Allison is also very young but she lovessss to dance!" Millie said. Lisa read the next question.

"What are the kids nicknames?" Lisa read.

"Okay so Archer probably has the most nicknames out of all the kids mostly said by Lisa, Archer is called Kip or Kipper, Art or Art, and mostly Archie." I said.

"Sage, we mostly call him Sagey, and Lisa called him Sai pronounced say, and Mike oddly calls him SagaMan." Millie said.

"Kelsie is the same way, we call her Kay, Kels, and Lisa and Kath call her, Kelligator." I explained.

"Now Allison has a few that we call her, we call her Allie, Ales, Lyssie, we don't have to many because we don't want to confuse her." Millie said.

"That's all we have for you guys today! Hope you enjoyed! We love the CimFam!! Bye!" We all wave to the camera.

"How does lunch sound?" Mike suggests and we All nodded.


I feel like this story kinda went no where🤷🏻‍♀️😂~Malie

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