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Christina's POV

I got up and walked over.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Cimorelli but she's in a medically induced coma, we haven't figured out the cause of it completely but we figured out that the nose bleed was coming from the brain, she must of had a brain injury when she was about 6, and it affected the artery." The doctor explained.

"I I don't know what to say, what will happen when she awakes? Will she remember? Sorry, thank you doc." I said.

"She will be experience a lot of trauma, she going to want her mom, and her dad, but that will help us figure out more. She will awake in a few hours, any urges of movement please call a doctor, You may see her." The doctor said and he walked me to her room.

I layed down next to her and I kissed her forehead, I pulled out my phone and texted Millie.

Hey baby, don't freak out but I'm at the hospital, Kelsie is in a coma, she should be awake soon, she'll be experiencing a lot of trauma. If you're wondering, I knew it was coming, because what 8 year old sleeps 10 hour during the day and gets a random nosebleed. Well I'll text you if anything, stay home and I'll call you when to come. Xoxo Christina
Sent 1:30 am

-2 hours later-

[Back Home](Millies POV)

I realized Christina wasn't in bed, I got up and checked my phone. Christina sent me a text.

My mouth dropped. I got in my car and drop to the hospital.

Christina's POV

It was now 3 am, I sat in the chair next to the bed, then Millie came walking in. No words were spoken, I got up and hugged her tightly. We both sat down and held Kelsies hand.

I started writing on Kelsies hand with my finger.

"1,2,3,4,5,6" I began to write with me finger, then there was a twitch in her finger.

"Christina, did you see that! do it again." Millie whisper yelled.

"1,2,3,4" I wrote and she clutched my hand.

"Millie." I said and she ran to get a doctor.

The doctor ran in.

"Mrs.Cimorelli, please do that again." I said and I did so. She did it again.

She began to cough, and her nose began to bleed. Millie and I backed out of the room so they could help her.

-15 minutes later-

She was in ICU, so we went to her room.

"Hey Kelsie." I waved and so did Millie.

"Hi guys." She gave me a soft smile. And I looked at Millie and smiled.

I went and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Christina, what happened?" She asked.

"The more important question, why did you lash out at me?" I asked sincerely.

"When I was outside and I was sitting in the treehouse I watch a accident happen, when I was hit by a car, so everytime I get flashbacks, and I remember my parents, they did this to me." She cried.

"My baby, you know you can tell me anything." I said and she nodded to reassure me.

I scooped her up into my lap on my bed.
Millie left to go home with the family.

"When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful." I began to sing.

"Every hour we spent together," she sang.

"Lives within our hearts, when she loved me." We both sang. She layed her head in the crook of my neck. She looked up at my with her glassy lake blue eyes.

"I love you, Mommy." She said as she fell asleep.

"I love you two babygirl." I kissed her forehead and we fell asleep.

-The Next Day-

I woke up around 7:00 am, and everyone is coming to visit Kelsie.

I took a picture.

@ChristinaCim: My baby girl💓 please keep a prayer for her❤️

I shut off my phone and watched her as she slept.


I'm already regretting writing this... why did I ever 😂~Malie 💕

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