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Christinas POV

We sat down and we began to look at the menus and the waiter came over and took our orders.

-20 minutes later-

We all have our food and now we're eating.

"Alright guys, here's the real question, you ready to go back home tomorrow?" I asked, they all shook their head no, and I laughed.

"You guys seem to have alot of fun. On the way back were going to stop in Nashville! To go see Grandma and Grandpa Cim!" I said and they all applauded happily.

"Ally we're going to see Grandma and Grandpa!" I said to Allison and she was very happy.


We got back to the hotel, and I was laying in bed with Millie and the girls. I scrolled through Twitter and saw our Thanksgiving photo from last year and the tweet said

@XloveCimorelliX; #Milstina is my OTP 💓

I liked and retweeted it and shut off my phone and went to sleep.

-5:00 am-

We were all in the car and we began driving to Nashville.


We made it to our hotel. We kept the same rooms.

We we're about 20 minutes from my Grandparents house. So we got into the car and drove.


We arrived at my Grandparents house, and I was kinda nervous but I was excited. I grabbed Allie out of the car and walked to the door with Mils.

*Knock Knock*

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hi Grandma!" I said. She came out to hug us.

"And whose this little one?" She asked.

"Grandma, this is your great granddaughter Allison." I said and her smile went wide.

"Wait? You have kids?" She asked.

"4 actually." I said and her mouth dropped.

"Wait are they here?" She asked.

"Gram? Do you really thing I would leave my kid? Actually the whole family is with me, haha, we went to SC over the weekend, so I got the whole squad, and a surprise."I said and Millie smiled at me, and Mike smiled.

I gestured for everyone to come to the house and they did.

"Nick!It's so good to see you!" Gram said and we went inside.

"Gram is like to introduce my kids, right here is my oldest, Archer Rose, she's 10 years old, right next to Millie is my second oldest, is Kelsie, she's 8, next to Mike is my only boy and that's Sage, he's 7, and here Allison who's 5, and..." I smiled and the girls went crazy .

"Wait seriously." Everyone was asking.

"Well, were not exactly pregnant, but there's a 14 year old boy named Finnagan, we decided we were going to adopt him." I said and everyone was so happy. I hugged and kissed Millie on the cheek.

"I'm gonna have a big brother!" Archer said happily.

"Oh and Grandpa and Grandma this is Avery my "niece".I said and they greeted her.

It was good to see my family happy again.

*** 8:00pm

We left my grandma and Grandpa and headed back to California.

***5:00pm The Next Day

We made it back to California and all the girls are hanging around, I was with Millie and Allison and we were getting ready to go meet Finnegan.


We arrived at the orphanage, I put Ally in the stroller and we walked in.

We went in and saw a young boy, very fit yet thin, he looked like a dancer.

"Hi welcome, you must be the Cimorellis?" She asked.

"Yes, we are, we're here for Finnegan?" I asked.

"That would be me." The thin young boy stood up and looked at me.

"You're Christina Cimorelli?" He asked .

"Yes, I am." I said with a smile.

"Are you adopting me?" He questioned.

"Yes." I said and he smiled.

"I'm a huge fan." He said and I smiled at his shirt.

"I can tell! Ready to go?" I asked and he nodded.


We got into the car.

"So Finn, let's get to know you a little." I said not hearing a word. I saw Allison laying in Finns lap. Millie took a picture.

"Millie." I warned.

"What babe? It's for the books." She laughed.


We arrived home and I woke up Finn and we went in the house.

"Hi Mimi! Hi Cici!" The kids said.

"Hi Christina! Hi Millie!" Everyone else said.

"Guys meet Finnegan." I said and they smiled.

I never really liked this story but the ending really hits tho 🥺💕~ Malie

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