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Archers POV

Mr. Pat pointed to me and I instantly hid myself in Christians neck.

"It's okay Bubby, go ahead." Christian reassured.

"Okay, Hi I'm Archer, I'm 10 years old." I said and everyone says hi.

There was a girl across from me who smiled and waved, she looked about Dani's age.

"I'll go next, I'm Lauren, I'm 17, and Archer is my cousin." Lauren said.

"Hi I'm Christian, I'm 17." Christian said.


We were  almost done going around and we got to the girl who waved at me in the beginning.

"Hi im Avery Blake, and I'm 13." Avery said and I smiled back and waved.

*** 2:00 pm

Today was actually fun, I made a new friend with that girl Avery, she said we could hang out sometime.

We began walking out and I was holding Lauren and Christians hand but then I heard my name being called,

"Archer," I turn around and saw it was Avery.

"Avery." I said happily and I opened my arms to hug her.

"I forgot to ask you, what's your number?" She asked.

"I don't have a phone but I can give you my email." I said.

"Sure, here put it in my phone." Avery said hands me her phone.

Archer Cimorelli

"Thanks Archer," she said and hugged me again.

"I'll see you around!" I said waving as I walked back to Christian and Lauren and grabbed their hands and walked to Lauren's car.

"Bye Christian!" I waved and he came and hugged me.

"Bye Buddy." He said and I he kissed Lauren on the cheek.

"Bye Baby." Christian said to Lauren.

"Bye Christian." Lauren said and we got in the car.

We continued to drive and we went to Starbucks.Lauren pulled up to the window.

"Hi can I get a iced mocha latte, and a mocha frappechino, large for both." Lauren said and I smiled at her, she knows me so well.

We got our orders.

"Lauren, can we turn on some music?" I asked.

"Sure!" She said.

We were dancing to Superstar and all of Cimorelli songs and next thing you know, we're home.

"I can't wait to tell Christina and Millie I made a friend!" I said excited to Lauren.

"I can't wait to see her reaction!" Lauren smiled.

We got to the door, it was 4:15 and we were a bit later then usual.

"Hey Christina, Hey Millie!" I said as I ran to them and hugged them.

"Well you're a happy camper," Christina said hugging Lauren.

"You'll never guess what happened today." Lauren said and looked at me.

"What happened?" Millie asked concerned.

"I made a friend." I said softly.

"What!?" Christina squealed and got super excited.

"I made a friend, her name is Avery, she's 13." I smiled.

"Well that's great Arty! I'm so proud of you, why don't you ask her to sleep over?" Millie asked.

"Really?" I said happily.

"Sure!" Christina exclaims.

I was up and mine and Dani's room, and Sage walked in.

"Hey Sai, what's up?" I asked.

"Can you come play Candyland with Lisa and I?" He asked.

"Maybe in a little while, I'll ask Chrissy if we can have a game night, how does that sound?" I suggested. He nodded happily.

**** Archer:Avery

Hey Avery, it's Archer!

Oh Hey! What's up!

Wanna sleepover? My moms want to meet you!

Sure I'll just ask my brother!

Okay! Just let me know💓

Will do see ya!


Avery's coming over and Christina and Millie said we could have a game night.

Averys POV

I went downstairs to talk to my brother.

"Hey Nick?" I said.

"What?" He answered .

"Can I go over a friend's house?" I asked.

"Sure, what's her name? And whose her parents?" He questioned.

"Her name is Archer Cimorelli, I met her at Access today." I said to Nick, he looked at me in almost tears.

"Wait, daughter if Christina Cimorelli?" He asked. What? How?

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"Of course you can go, Christina was my best friend back in high school, I haven't seen her in 9 years, she's going to be shocked to see me." Nick said.

"Oh thanks Nick." I said.

"You're welcome, now go pack." Nick smiled.

*** 6:00 pm

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