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~1 week later~

Thanksgiving Day! Wow a day of blessings.

7:00 am

We all just finished having breakfast, like usual, Allison is still sleeping, usually when she wakes up she has a bottle.

"Good Morning, so as you all know today is thanksgiving, so first I want all the older siblings to shower first and then Lauren and Dani, then I will shower all the little ones and Millie and I will shower after them, then I want everyone done so we can post on our Instagram, so will meet outside for photos. Ariel, Rachael, James and Tyler will be over at 12:0o pm, and will play it by year from there." I said. Everyone alway looks confused when I talk, seriously it's like I have four head.

10:00 am

All the older kids were done showering, so I went upstairs and got my kids bath supplies ready.

"Millie, I'll get Allie and Archer and you take Kelsie and Sage." I suggested.

"Sounds good." She agreed.

"Archie! Time for your bath." I called, then she came to the bathroom.

"Morning Cici." Archer said.

"Morning Sugar, since your old enough I'm going to let you shower on your own, you know the deal by now with your tube and everything. Call me if you need anything." I told her.

"Okay." She smiled and I left the room.

I went down the hall to the second bathroom. I began to run the water and then I made sure it was the perfect temperature.

"Allie, time for your bath." I called, you could here her little feet tapping toward the door.

"Morning Mrs. Cimowelli." She said in her cute little voice.

"Morning Al, you know you can call me Chrissy, don't be afraid." I told her and she nodded.

I stripped her closed and put her in the bath. We played with her little toys then I washed her hair and her body. I then picked her up out of the tub an I drying her off and put on her clothes.

"Cici?" Archer called me from down the hall. I rushed to the door.

"What's wrong Archer?" I worried.

"Cici, I'm fine I just need a towel." She said and I exhaled. Then I gave her a towel.

I walked back to Allie and I picked her up and sat her on the sink counter.

I put her hair in French braid and put a headband in her hair.

Then Millie walked in with Kelsie.

"Is this the hair salon?" Millie laughed.

"Yes ma'am." I replied. And I put Kelsie also on the counter and put Allie down. I then did the same thing with Kelsie.

*knock knock*

"Come in." I said.

"Her Archer, need me to do your hair?" I asked and she nodded.

I finished Archers hair and I saw Dani and Lauren standing in the door way.

"Okay what do you weirdos need?" I asked.

"You really expected us to know how to French braid?" Lauren laughed.

"Oh gosh guys, fine" I laughed and I braided there hair.

*** 11:00 am

Everyone was running around the house like crazy, but then they finally calmed down.

"Crissy?" Sage asked.

"Yes Bubz?" I replied.

"Can you do my bow tie?" He asked.

"Of course little man." I told him and I fixed his bow tie.

~11:30 am

Everyone was standing in 3 rows. In the back Mike, Kath ,Lisa and Amy. In the Middle was Me,Millie, Lauren, Dani, then in the front was Allie, Kelsie, Sage and Archer. We to a picture and posted it on Instagram.

@Cimorelli : Happy Thanksgiving from are Family to yours❤️ (Front: Allie,4, Kelsie,7, Sage,6, Archer,9) 

~8:00 pm

Everyone has just left out house and now it was time for bed.


these chapters are more like fillers! K byeeee Malie

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