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Christina POV

After we discussed our plan for the day, we got in the car and drove to the aquarium.

We arrived at the aquarium and the kids faces lit up. We got out of the car and I pulled out the stroller and set Allison in it. There was a extra seat on the stroller so Kelsie sat on the it, and we walked in.

"Okay will meet back with you guys in a bit?" Mike asked.

"Yes, you're going to take Sage?"I asked.

"Yup." Mike replied and Nick and Sage waved goodbye.


We were strolling through the aquarium and the girls saw puffer fish.

"Aunt Christina look." Avery said and I laughed as they immitated the puffer fish and I took a picture.

We kept walking around and we came upon the sharks.

I heard giggling come from the front of the stroller and I saw Allison giggling and pointing at the shark tank.

"Mommy, big fishy." Allison pointed. Millie and i crouched down to her level.

"That's right Al, that is a big fish." I said.


As we walked we came upon a miral with fish on it.

"Guys get in, I'll take a picture of you all.'' I said.

"Christina, get in, I'll take a photo of all you." Christian insisted and I gave him my phone.

"Perfect." Christian said and handed me my phone back.

"Now Christian, get in with the girls."I laughed and he did Kelsie reached up and Christian puts Kelsie on his hip.

We took a bunch of photos and got cute ones of Christian and Lauren.

I knew what was going to happen next, gift shop.

"Hey, um Cici? Mimi?" Archer looked at me with puppy eyes, and then she laugh and ran to me and Millie.

"You- you called me Mimi." Millie hugged her.

"And you called me Cici." I said hugging her as well.

She smiled at us.

"So about going to the gift shop?" She asked.

"Always asking question you crazy girl, of course." I said and she dragged us there.

We were looking around the gift shop and crash into Nick and Mike with Sage.

"Did you get dragged here too?" Mike laughed as I hugged Nick.

"Yes we did and it just might have been someone who called us Mimi and Cici." I said happily.

"I got my girls back." I said to Millie. And she smiled.

We continued looking around the gift shop and Sage pointing out the big stuffed shark.

"You want that Sai?" I asked and he nodded.

"How are we going to fit that in the car?" Millie laughed, obviously Sage didn't know and he just shrugged.

The older girls got matching bracelets, and Kelsie and Allison got big stuffed animals also and I got them shirts.

"Hey Cici?" Archer asked.

"Yeah buggy?" I answered.

"Can we get a picture in front of the sign?" She asked and I nodded.

We took the photo and we were going to pay the cashier and left.

"Ready to go crew?" I asked and they all okayed.

***12:30 pm

We got into the car and we went back to hotel and got our stuff for lunch on the beach.


We arrived at the beach and Kath, Lise, and Amy came to meet up with us, we were all playing a game of catch with the football and I watched Allison as she sat in the sand building sand castles in the sand.


We finished playing our game and we all sat on the blanket and ate our lunches and talked about our day.

"Someone's a little tired I see." Lisa laughed pointing at Allison in my arm fast asleep and Katherine who had Archer also fast asleep in her arms.

"Don't forget about these lovebirds over here." Mike point at a sleeping Lauren in Christians arms.

Lisa took a photo of the 3 girls sleeping and posted them to Twitter.

@LisaCim: She's a mommas girl I can tell💜 Christina and Millie she's so cute! I might just have to take her home with me 😂

@ChristinaCim: Um Lisa, I think you forgot we live in the same house😂

@LisaCim: haha You're right

I just sarcastically rolled my eyes and she tagged me in another pic.

@LisaCimorelli: Kath is going to be such a great mom!

@ChristinaCim: now I know that for a fact💜😂

We continued to eat our lunch and just talk amongst ourselves.

***4:30 pm

We returned back to the hotel for a bit then changed and got ready.


We arrived at the resteraunt and we walked to the waiter and she sat us down.


Happy Memorial Day! I'm posting 2 chapters today! Also this story has 3 chapters left after the next one, so it'll be over in 2 weeks ~ Malie

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