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Christina's POV

When we really thought everyone was asleep, I guess not. We turned around and we knew it. It was Archer. She looked at us dead in the eyes and crashed into our arms.

"Never leave me again." She cried.

"I'm so so so so sorry you had to go through that baby. Mommas sorry." I cried.

"We should've watched out for you." Millie cried.

"Take as much time to recover my girl, We won't rush you." I added.

"So you won't get mad if it takes me a while to call you what I used to call you?" Archer cried.

"Not at all Kipper, take as much time like Christina said. Spend time with Lauren and Dani, but you have to promise, no more escaping." Millie mentioned.

"Promise." She giggled. Millie and I hugged her tighter. And Lauren and Sage joined the hug and we all fell asleep.

-The Next Day-

Archers POV (5:00 am)

It feels good that my moms are home, but now I'm the only one awake. I slip out of our little cuddle we had and I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my journal.

Dear Journal, last night was quite eventful, I hit my head on the rocks which made me feel all better, my moms came home after there vacation in Cabo. It felt good to have almost my full life back, it's just going to take a while, well that's it for this morning Xoxo Ari

It's almost 5:15 am and I'm sitting at the island in the kitchen and I see Dani coming downstairs.

"Hey Archer!" Dani whisper yelled as she ran to hug me.

"Hey Dan!" I said happily.

"Want to go watch some TV?" I asked like no one was in the living room.

"Sure, lets go." She said and I reached out my arms and she picked me up and we walked to the living room.

Christina's POV

It was about 5:15 and Millie and I just woke up, well no one knew we were up so we sat up and just went on our phones. We heard Dani come downstairs but she didn't notice us.

Dani's POV

I turned around the corner and I saw Christina, I was speechless.

"Well come here and hug us!" She spoke and I put Archer down and ran to Christina and Millie and hugged them.

"I missed you guys so much!" I said.

"I missed you guy!" Millie said and Archer joined the hug.

"I'm so glad to be back." Archer smiled. Then Lauren and Sage woke up.

"Hugging without us?" Lauren questioned and her and Sage joined the hug.

*** 7:00 am

We were in the kitchen making breakfast and everyone started coming down the stairs.

"Christina! Millie!" All of my aunts said.

"Chrissy! Millie!" Allison ran to them and Christina picked her up.

"I missed you baba." Christina said kissing her cheeks, Millie did the same.

I totally forgot Mike wasn't up, eventually he came downstairs.

"Did someone say that the lovebirds we're home?" Mike laughed coming over to hug them.

Kelsie walked around the corner.

"Mrs. Cimorelli! Mrs. Brown!" Kelsie said and Christina and Millie looked at eachother In sadness.

"Hey Kels." They both said.

"Okay guys, we really need to film a video. So after breakfast meet me in the studio." I mentioned. They all nodded.


Time to record the video.

"Hi I'm Mike."

"Hi I'm Christina."

"I'm Millie"

" I'm Katherine"

"Im Lisa"

"I'm Lauren"

"And I'm Dani"

"And we're Cimorelli." We all said and began the video


Here's another chapter for y'all! Did anyone one get merch? I did!

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