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Lauren's POV

We just arrived home and I didn't want to wake Archer so I texted Dani.

Dani come outside to get Archer -L

Okay I'm coming , wait why can't you take her?- D

I have to talk to Christina about Archer, but I will explain later, just come out side. -L

K I'm coming -D

A couple minutes later Dani came out side and picked up Archer and we walked inside.

"Hey Laur, how was it?" Christina asked.

"We need to talk." I said and she looked at me confused.

"Oh okay that's fine." Christina said.

We walked to the table and sat down.

"What's up?" Christina asked.

"Archer; she isn't okay, she has a lot of trauma, she raged in sadness, she said to me and I quote "I lost my memory and got it back to soon I wish I didn't remember what happened so I don't have to remember it. I want my old back life Lauren! I miss being happy" the poor thing just wants to be happy again, she got stabbed! She doesn't even have the courage to call you guys Mimi and Cici anymore, Christina your the one who works with people like this what do we do?" I asked while tears streamed down my eyes, Christina just cried as well.

"My poor baby, I wish mom was here, I never thought I would have to go through something like this! I still can't believe Joe stabbed her right in front of her eyes! She's probably scared of us, she prop even blamed herself for ruining our wedding, I need to go see her." Christina cried.

"Leave her alone for a while, she needs some time to just be with Dani and I right now, she feels bad she has to reject Allie and Sage every Time they want to play, but she need to rest, take a vacation, go visit aunt Sandra in Texas, or just stay and visit Rachael, we all need a break, and let me and Dani take care of Archer for a couple days." I said to Christina.

"Are you sure Lo?" Christina asked.

"100%, I love Archer like as if she were my own, yeah I may be 16 but she's just like my baby, and Dani loves her as much as I do, we got the Chris." I said and Christina got up and hugged me.

"You're the best little sister anyone could ask for." Christina said.

"I guess." I laughed.

Christina's POV

I just had a long talk with Lauren but now I'm going to lay down with Millie. But first I want to check on my baby.

I walk up to Dani's room and peak my head through the door. I saw Dani on her phone while Archer layed her head on Dani's shoulder.

"Oh hey Christina." Dani said and I walked in.

"Hey Dan, hows she doing," I asked.

"Not good, I can tell she's upset but she really misses you and Millie, she just can't express it." Dani explained. I sat on the bed and looked at Archer.

"My baby, I'm sorry you had to go through this, mommy love so much, and I want you to remember that." I whispered in her ear and then I kissed her forehead.

Archers POV

I'm a light sleeper as you know but what I heard made me nearly cry.

"My baby, I'm sorry you had to go through this, mommy love so much, and I want you to remember that."

It made me smile, I just wish I could forgive myself. I miss my moms, I miss being able to call the Mimi and cici, I miss it all.

Christina's POV

After I kissed her forehead she grinned, and then I left and went to my room and I layed down with Millie.

~That night~

I was lying in bed and there was a knock on my door.

"Come in?" I said and there was a little shadow.

"Cici?" The voice said.

"Sage is that you?" I asked groggy.

"Yes Cici." Sage said as his voice broke.

"What's wrong Sagey baby?" I asked as I cradling him in my arms.

"I miss sissy." He cried.

"I do to baby, she's going to be okay." I said and he layed down, I wrapped my arm around him and heard him softly whimper to sleep.

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