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Christina's POV

Avery was supposed to be here any second.

*knock knock*

"I'll get it." I called and Archer ran to the door with me and I opened the door and my mouth dropped.

"Well hey there Crisis-tina." I could believe my eyes, it was Nick!

"Nick! Omg!" I said hugging him super tight. Avery and Archer just hugged and smiled at us.

"Nick, wha what are you doing here?" I cried.

"You didn't know? Avery is my little sister." Nick explained.

"But her last name is Blake?" I asked complex.

"No, it's Avery Blake Reali, she just says Avery Blake so people don't talk about my Dad and his world, it makes her upset." Nick told me and I gave him a puzzled look.

"Come in Nick, lets catch up." I said.

"Baby? Who's this?" Millie asked.

"Mils this is my best friend Nick, Nick is 4 years old then I am and are families are really close, Nick this is my Wife Millie." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you Nick, and you're Averys dad?" Millie asked, Nick looked at me and laughed.

"No, haha, Avery is my little sister, but I'm the only one she has left." Nick frowned.

"What?" I questioned.

"Right after you left Christina, my parents got in a car crash, with my other little sister Cameron, Cameron was only 5, it was the other drivers fault, none of them made it, Avery has really bad PTSD and depression, and for her to actually make friends, is pretty amazing." Nick said and I was almost in tears.

"Where are you guys now?" I asked.

"We're actually a couple blocks over from here." Nick said.

"That's great! So how long has Avery been going to access?" Millie asked.

"Avery has been going to access for about 3 months, and funny enough, you know Christian?" Nick asked.

"Lauren's Christian?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's my cousin, apparently I have older cousins who lived in Northern California, and that's my uncles kid." Nick explained.

"Wow that's crazy! So let's say Christian and Lauren get married, and they have kids technically they'd be our niece or Nephew." I asked complex.

"Yeah so technically will be family." Nick laughed.

"And of course you can consider Ave your niece because you're my best friend and Avery is like your daughter." Nick added.

"Same to you, Artie will be like your niece because Archer is like your daughter." I laughed.

We sat there laughing.

"Small world." We all said in laughter.

"Well I should be going, what time should I pick her up?" Nick asked.

"I can bring her home, can I take her out with Archer?" I asked.

"Yeah fine by me." Nick said. And hugged me.

"Take care of her." Nick added.

"Of course Nick." I smiled.

"See ya later lil sis." Nick said.

"Bye Nick." I said shutting the door.

"Wanna see what the girls want for dinner?" Millie asked me.

"Okay." I kissed her cheek. And walked upstairs.

I walked into Kath and Lisa and Amy's Room. Sage was lying with Katherine and ready a book and Kelsie was coloring with Lisa and Amy.

"Hey guys." They all looked.

"Hey Christina." Kath, Lisa, Amy said.

"Hi Cici." Sage said.

"Hi bubs." I smiled.

Kelsie looked up at me.

"Hi Kels." I said with a smile.

"Kelsie and Hi." She snapped. She's only 8, but gee kinda harsh.

"Kelsie Jane, that's no way to talk to your Cici." Lisa said.

"SHES NOT MY MOTHER!" Kelsie got up and stormed out of the room and ran to the basement.

Millie came running to me.

"She locked the door." Millie panicked. We all got up and ran to her. Well accept Kath she stayed with Sage. I just wanted to check out what was for dinner.


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