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"Guys, the boy I'm "babysitting" is Archers brother, Sage, the guy I was talking to, Joseph, is Archers biological father, we decided this was a way that Archer could get to know her brother, with out knowing it's her brother and you guys can't say a word, got it?" I asked.

They all okayed, and Archer and Sage came down stairs laughing.

"Uncle Mike? Can you put in a movie for us?" Archer asked.

"Of course sugar bear, anything for my girl." Mike told her and we all went into the living room.

On the end it was Lauren, Dani, Katherine, Mike, Sage, Me, Archer, Millie, Amy and Lisa.

Mike put in Frozen and all of us watched it. I felt head lying on my lap.

"Awww cute!" Kath said and she pulled out her phone to snap a pic.

5 minutes later

@KathCim: Moms of the hour with Sage and Archer💓❤️ They couldn't get any cuter❤️

I liked the post and retweeted it.


The time was now 6:45 pm and we were all eating dinner and Sage finished his dinner.

"All done Sage?" I asked.

"Yes thank you." He said. I looked at everyone who was silently awwing at Sage.

I felt a tug on my shirt.

"Oh hey Sage, what's up?" I asked.

"Are you sure, you don't want me to help? Mommy says if I don't I could get in big trouble." Sage looked at me like he was about to cry.

"Don't you worry about a thing Sage, why don't you go play with Archer until your dad comes." I suggested.

"Okay." He said and walked off slowly to go see Archer. The Millie walked up to me.

"What did Sage ask you?" Millie asked.

"Hey asked if I need help with the dishes, because if he didn't he said his mom would be mad." I said.

"Hmm weird, well it's 6:50 now so he should be here any moment." Millie said.

"Yeah let's go wait with the kids." I said and she wrapped her arm around me and we walked to the couch.

We sat down and put on the TV.

"Hey Sage? did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yes I did. Fank you, Mrs. Cimowelli." Sage said.

*** 7:00 pm

Joseph has just arrived.

"Hi Joseph!" I said.

"Hi, how was my boy?" He asked.

"He was really good! Archer and Sage took a nap, then my brother put in a movie for them, they both fell asleep on my lap, and then we had dinner, he did ask me if I needed help, because his mom would be mad if he didn't?" I told Joseph.

"Oh um I don't know where he heard that." Joseph said.

"Well hopefully he can come over more often." I said.

"Yes definitely." Joseph said as the began to walk out the door then Sage shouted

"Wait!" He said, as he turned around and ran to me and hugged me.

"Fank you." He whispered.

"Your dad has my number, call me anytime okay bub?" I told Sage.

"Okay." He said as he kissed my cheek; I kissed him on top of his forehead; he waved to me as he walked away.

*** 8:00 pm
Sages POV (a/n he's 6 so bare with me)

I just got home from Mrs. Cimowellis house, she's a vewy nice wady, she's awot nicer then my step mommy, her dawgter is vewy nice, she pwayed wif me, and we took a nap togefer. My step sibwings don't like thew mommy, she always comes home wif a bottle. Then she hits us. I wove Mrs. Cimowelli i wish she was my mommy. I want to call her, daddy and step mommy aren't home, I'm going to cawl Mrs. Cimowelli.

Christina's POV

My phone began to ring, it's now 9 o clock. Who could be calling at this time of night?

I picked up and read the screen it said Joseph (Archers Dad)

What could he possibly calling for?

Hey guys! So this week I update Tuesday and Thursday, then the week after Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday:) k bye❤️ Malie

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