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"...So we're going Joseph bring his kid over so I can baby sit him, on occasion his daughters will come, but as of now it'll be his son, this is a way that Me and you and also Archer can get to know him." I finished.

"Sounds like a plan." Millie said.

"Awesome." I said and we both layed down and fell asleep.

*** 5:00 pm

*buzz* *buzz*

I woke up from my nap to a text. I check my phone seeing it was 5 o clock and I got a text from Joseph.

Hey Christina! It's Joseph! I have to run a couple of errands and I was wondering if I could bring Sage over? - J

Yeah! That's fine with me, my older sisters and my brother aren't home but my young sisters are so bring him right over! - C

Awesome! I'll see you in a bit! -J

See you in a bit :) -C

"Who was that babe?" Millie asked.

"It was Joseph, he wants me to babysit Sage for a little while." I told her.

"Okay. Should I see what the girls are up to?" Millie asked.

"If you don't mind, please." I said.

Millies POV

I got up from our bed and walked down the hall to Dani's room.

"Hey Dan." I said.

"Hey Millie, what's up?" She asked.

"Well your sister, is babysitting her good friends son, and she just wanted Archer to meet him. But Them two seem kinda busy." I said laughing.

"Yeah they've been sleeping for like two hours." Dani said.

"Okay, well if they wake up, will you tell Archer to come see me? Please." I asked.

"Yup." Dani said, and I shut her door.

Dani's POV

I sat on my chair near my desk reading a book, when suddenly Archer started shaking, I ran over to her and picked her up.

"Shh it's okay Dani's here." I said stroking her hair as she started to calm down.

"Dani?" Archer asked.

"Yes Archer?" I asked.

"Does Mimi want to see me?" She asked.

"Yes, but what was that nightmare about first?" I asked.

"I had a dream you guys abandoned me." Archer cried.

"We would never abandon you. We love you sweetheart, and there's nothing that will ever make us love you any less." I told her and I hugged her.

"Now let's go see what your Mimi wanted." I said and she smiled.

Millies POV

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

"Hey Archer, hey Dan." Christina said.

"Hey." Dani said.

"Hey Mimi, hi Cici" Archer said.

"Archer, lets go downstairs and meet someone okay?" Christina asked.

"Okay." She said and we all walked downstairs to answer the door.

Christina's POV

I went to go answer the door.

"Hi Joseph! And this must be little Sage?"  She said.

"Yup, this is Sage, and this must be Archer?" He asked pointing to Dan.

"This is my sister Danielle, this is Archer,she's quite shy, but she'll warm up Eventually." I said.

"Nice to meet you, I'll be back say around 7?" Joseph said.

"Sounds good to me, no allergies right?"  I asked.

"Just to nuts."  He grinned.

"Same with Archer so that'll be easy." I said.

"Okay, awesome see you at 7:00!" He said, as I closed the door.

"Cici?" Archer asked.

" Yes, Archie?" I answered.

"Can we watch a movie?" She asked.

"Sure once uncle Mike gets back I'll have him put one in okay?" I told her.

"Okay." She smiled.

"Why don't you take sage up to your room?" I suggested.

"Okay Cici." Archer said and they walked upstairs and Dani, Millie and I went to prep dinner.

"They look so much alike!" Millie said.

"I know it's actually crazy!" I said then Lauren walked downstairs.

"Hey Laur." I said.

Then someone knocked on the door.

"Hey everyone were home!" Mike called.

"In the kitchen!" I called back and they all walked in.

"Where's my little booger?" Lisa asked.

"She's-" I got interrupted by Lauren.

"She's lying down in my bed with some little boy?" Lauren said.

"Oh. Sage. Joseph's son." I said.

" Whose Joseph?" Amy asked.

"Guys sit down and I'll explain." I said


Hey party rats! Here's another chapter! I might start updating 2x a week bc atm this story is almost 40 chapter haha- Malie 💜💜

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