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-1 month later- August 12th, 2015

Christina's POV

Everyone seems to be getting back in order. But Archer still hasn't said Mimi or Cici, neither has Kelsie, Sagey and Allie are always curious now and wondering. Archer still has some trauma every time we go to the beach, but it's gonna take a while to get her back.

"Archer Rose, please come down here." I asked her from upstairs.

"Coming Chrissy." She said and Millie and I sat at the table.

"Archer, I think it's time we seek deeper into help for you." I mentioned.

"What? Why? I'm totally fine! You're crazy!" She shouted and ran upstairs to her room and locked the door.

Archers POV

I ran to my room and just cried. Don't they realize that IM NOT MY NORMAL SELF! Then I heard a knock.

"It's Lauren." Lauren said and I let her in.

"Listening Kip, I know you don't want to go but let me let you in on something, I go to a access group too, and Christina will take you to the same one I go to. How does that sound?" Lauren asked. I looked at her and nodded.

"Are you sure they're not permanently going to send me away?" I asked.

"No no baby, I'll drive you home everyday." Lauren said to me. I smiled as she made me feel a little better. Then Christina walked in.

"What's going on here?" Christina questioned.

"Look Christina, Millie, I'm sorry for the way I stormed out on you, but if Lauren can do the group with me then I'm in for it." I said honestly.

"You sure baby? This is going to be a lot to take in, this is kids from 7-17, so it's a big age gap." Millie said.

"As long as I have Lauren, I'm good." I said.

"Well we have ourselves a plan, so you have your first meeting tomorrow at 12:30pm." Christina said. I got up and hugged her and Millie.

"Thank you." I cried.

"You're totally welcome sweetie, anything for our girl." Christina kissed my forehead.

-The Next Day-

It was 11:00 am and I happen to sleep in. So I rushed up, brushed my long dirty blonde hair and put it into a ponytail and put in my glasses because I was getting headaches and I couldn't see.

I walked downstairs and Christina looked at me oddly.

"You wear glasses?" Christina asked.

"Oh these, yeah, I was getting headaches and I couldn't see." I said to them.

"Well you missed breakfast, so grabbed some cereal or something, you and Lauren are gonna leave at 11:30 pm because she's taking you out to lunch, and the place is a half hour away." Millie said.

"Okay." I said hugging them and walking to the cabinet.


I got out of the shower and I blow dryed my dirty blonde- auburn hair and put on my glasses and walked downstairs.

When I got downstairs, Millie and Christina were on there phones discussing something.

"Ready, Ari?" Lauren asked.

"Yup, lets go." I said a ran to Christina and Millie.

"Bye, love you guys." I said and they kissed my forehead.

"We love you too." They both said as I walked out with Lauren.


We arrive at Sonic.

"What do you want Kip?" Lauren asked me.

"Burger and a milkshake." I replied.

"Okay." Lauren replied.


Lauren's POV

We made it to the access group. Archer had fallen asleep.

"Kipper, love time to get up." I said and her eyes fluttered open.

"I'm ready." She said and I laugh, reminds me of my Made in America video.

"What?" She pouted.

"Nothing, lets go." I said grabbing her had and we walked in to the service desk.

"Oh Lauren! Good to see you! And who's this?" Ms. Lacey asked.

"This is my cousin Archer Brown? I think is what she's under, or Cimorelli." I said complexed.

"Yup Archer Brown, age 10?" Ms. Lacey asked.

"Yup that's her." I said and she nodded.

"Okay you guys are all set, I'll buzz you in." Ms. Lacey said buzzing us in.

I walked in with Archer and she hid behind me and I found a seat. This is actually how I met my boyfriend so I sat next to him. Archer was a little afraid so she sat on my lap. Christian kissed me on forehead and he put his arm around Archers shoulder.

"Hey Buddy." Christian said. Archer looked at me and I nodded, then she went and sat with Christian and she layed her head in the crook of his neck. I just awed.

"Good morning everyone, welcome let's go around and say our names, lets start with you little miss." Our group leader Pat said pointing to Archer.


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