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The Next Morning
Christina's POV

Today is Sunday, I totally forgot we had church.

"Babe, get up!" I whisper yelled.

"What?" She asked.

"We have church." I told her.

"Babe, they won't let us go." Millie told me.

"Babe, we cant worry about that, if we get kicked out we get kicked out. Because I love you and there's nothing else I can stop us from loving each other."  I said.

"I really do love you." She said.

"I love you too." I said.

*** 8 am

"Breakfast is ready!" Katherine called.

"Will be right down!" I called back and I woke up Dani and Archer. 

"Mimi? Where are we going?" Archer asked.

"To church sweetheart." I said.

"Oh okay." She responded and hugged me.

*** 9 am

I finished breakfast and we all got into ate cars. I drove Dani Lauren and Archer. And Millie drove with Kath Amy and Lisa. And Mike drove by himself.


We made it to the church. I was so nervous but I picked up Archer and walked behind everyone.

Father was greeting everyone, and when he saw me his face lit up.

"Christina!" He said happily.

"Hello Father," I said.

"It's been so long! And wow you have a daughter now, and is this your wife?"  Father asked.

"What? Your not going to shun me?" I asked.

"Christina, listen, your like a daughter to me, I would never shun you for who you love, maybe other people will but I will not," father told me.

"Thank you Father, it's really good to be back, and yes this is my soon to be wife Millie, and my daughter Archer Rose." I smiled.

"Oh well it's very nice to meet you, enjoy yourself Christina, good to have you back." Father said.

"Thank you." I said. We walked to our seats. They're we're a bunch of people very surprised to see us back at church, people were say "wow is that Christina?" As we walked to our seats.


We sat and listened to to the sermon, while Dani and Archer were at their youth class and Lauren sat between Millie and I.

"And if you guys haven't noticed, I'd like to welcome back Ms, Christina and her family back, and for those of you who don't know this church is a safe space, I'm not like others who shun or ban the LGBTQ, I accept everyone." Father said looking at me and I smiled.

***10:30 am

The service was amazing. My family sang in the service today, they sang "Time To Praise." ™️ For thanksgiving. We walked down to the fellowship hall and there was Archer waiting for me.

"Mimi! Cici!" Archer called running to me.

"Easy baby." I said picking her up and signing her and Dani out.

"Hey Chrissy. Hey Millie" Dani said.

"Hey Dani. How was it?" I asked her.

"It was good, Archie gets along well with the other kids. They did keep asking her about her tube, and she didn't know what to say, but other then that she was fine, how was the service?" Dani asked.

"It was great, everyone was very curious but yeah it was pretty well." I told her.

"Okay everyone how about we go out for lunch?" I suggested.


Something felt weird about this place. We were obviously getting stared at, but why did these people look so familiar.


Well y'all are left on a cliff hanger!!! Enjoy... -malie

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