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They got here in 2 minutes and they picked her up and I ran with them to the ambulance.

*** {PTW}

we arrived and hopped out of the ambulance. They ran her in on a stretcher and they brought her to a room.

"Sorry ma'am but you can't go in," the nurse said.

"That's my daughter!" I argued.

"Ma'am I know but you need to calm down, please give me her name  age and weight, and parental units." The nurse said. 

"Her name is Archer Rose Cimorelli- Brown, she is 9, born on May 5th, 2005, and she weighs 49 pounds, her parents are Christina Cimorelli and Millie Brown." I told her.

"Millie? As in Millie Renee Brown?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, she's my fiancé why?" I asked.

"That's my daughter! You stay away from her!" She snapped.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but I don't think you understand, she's my fiancé, we have a daughter, who could be dying! And you want me to break up with your daughter aka the love of my life?"  I snapped back.

"That is a sin! Gays are not loved." She hissed.

"Well I'm sorry that you don't want your daughter to be happy, boy, if it were my daughter I wouldn't care one bit." I said.

"Well I see your point now, I'm sorry, Archer is in room 102." The nurse said.

I walked in to the room. I saw Archer lying there and I sat next to her bed and held her hand.

Then the doctor walked in.

"Hello Ms. Cimorelli, i don't know what the main cause of this was but it seems to me to me that since she has a eating disorder and she finally ate after a few day it seem to react to it, not only did her system react but she had a allergic reaction to nuts. So she is now has been put on a feeding tube for approximately 4 months, just to get her back on her feet and eating again." The doctor told me.

"Thank you doc." I told him he nodded and walked out.


It's been a hour and Archer is still sleeping. I got a text from Millie.

Babe!?!? Where are you?

Come to the Oklahoma City Hospital

Why?!?! Are you okay!?!? Where's Archer? I can't go there!!

Baby calm down, Archer is sick, and yes I know you don't want too, I met your mom, she disagreed to us at first, but she's sorry.

Okay Babe, I'll be there ❤️ bye

Bye love ❤️

Millies POV

As soon as I heard that Archer was sick I had to go to the nearest hospital, but under one condition, I tried my hardest to not see my mother. But I couldn't get past her.

I walked into the hospital, and there she stood, my very own mother who disowned me for being gay.

"Mother." I said firmly, you could see the pain in her eyes.

"Listen; I'm sorry." She told me.

"I forgive you." I said to her and she hugged me tight, I hugged her back.

"Where's my fiancé?" I said to her and she smiled.

"Room 102." She smiled.

I released from the hug and went to the room.

Wow I'm finally updating the story but here you go!

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