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Christina's POV

-6:00 pm-

"Flight 124 to Cabo San Juan." The flight attendant announced and we walked to the gates and handed them our tickets and we found our seats.

-9 hours Later- (5:00 am)

We just arrived in Cabo and let me tell you it was beautiful.

"Okay Mils so the hotel is at 136 Washington Ave." I said and Millie nodded and we hailed a taxi.

~A few minutes later-

We arrived at the hotel and walked to the reception desk.

"We have a reservation for I believe it's under Cimorelli?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Lynne?" She asked and I was confused for a split second.

"Oh yes that's me." I said.

"Okay room 275." She smiled and we went to find our room.


We got into our room and unpacked.

"Lauren is to sweet I'll tell you." Millie said.

"I know, she really didn't have to do that." I smiled.

I picked out the photo of the kids and I felt a tear shed.

"Wow I already miss them." I said and Millie nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to FaceTime Lauren." I said.

"Okay babe." Millie said.


Hello? -L

Hey Lauren! - C

Hey Chris! Did you make it to Cabo? -L

Yes! It's beautiful! I love it! How my babies? -C

Sage is with Mike while you guys are away, Archie is still calming down, she hasn't stopped crying since you left but we're taking her out. Allison misses you like crazy! She keeps asking when you're coming home, typical 4 year old haha, Kelsie really hasn't said much but she's staying with Katherine. If you're wondering what I mean by staying, they went to the Great Wolf Lodge down the street for the night haha -L

Make sure you called Mike every couple our and tell him to remind Sage that I'll be home soon, then tell the rest that I miss them, and Lauren, you and Dani are the best sitters anyone could ever ask for! -C

Thanks Christina, oh no she's crying again, I better go check in her. -L

Okay Lo, I love you so much and thank you❤️ -C

Love you too Chris -L

Welp bye Lo see you soon -C

Bye Chris -L

I just got off FaceTime with Lauren and my poor Archer won't stop crying. I miss her so much.

"How was Lauren?" Millie asked.

"Lauren good! Everyone's great except Archer. She misses us so much, she won't stop crying. I miss her." I teared.

"I know baby, but she's in good hands, Lauren and Dani are great to her, and plus all her sister are there." Millie admitted.

"I know and I shouldn't be worried." I said.

"That's right. Now let's go breakfast." Millie smiled and I wrapped my arm around her.

[Back Home]

-11:00 am-

Lauren's POV

It was almost lunch time so Amy, Lisa and I were making lunch.  I heard little footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Hi Allie." I said picking her up.

"Laurie when is Miwllie and Cwistina coming home?" She asked.

"Soon baby, just 2 more days." I laughed and the Dani rushed down the stairs.

"WHERE DID ARCHER GO?" She worried. We looked at eachother in confusion but then we knew exactly how she got out.

"The window." We both said.

"She's a runner I tell you. I put trackers in her shoes, so I know where she is." I said pulling out my phone.

Archer Roses New Location Spotted

"New location? What?" I questioned to myself. 

Archer Rose Location Point: Malibu Surfrider Beach (20 minutes away)

"Dani she's 20 minutes away! Lisa can I take your car? Dani come with me." I asked.

"Of course, drive safe." Lisa said.

We grabbed our shoes and ran out the door and began driving.

-20 minutes later-

We arrived at the beach let's just hope she's here.

Dun dun dahhhhhh!

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