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Christina's POV
I walked in carrying Archer, it was to kinda chilly so I covered her up with my jacket. The man looked at me funny as we walked in the chicken place.

"Wow, today would be the day we gave up that girl, who caused us trouble. Man I don't mis- oh hello welcome to Chicken Burgett how may we help you?" He asked, I just looked at him in anger, today was the day Archer came to the orphanage.

"Um sir? Before I order, how old would your daughter be? Like as of now?" I asked.

"She'd be 9 why?" He said and I uncovered Archer.

"Well, this maybe surprising but this is Archer, she's 9 years old, left at the orphanage 9 years ago today." I explained.

"Are you sure? She seems to sickly." He said.

"Yes. Archer Rose Dylans Cimorelli." I said and his mouth dropped.

"Wow, This is really bad timing. Can we meet after?" He asked.

"Yes." I Said.


We finished eating and I walked back to the front desk.

"Hi, can we talk?" I asked.

"Oh yes." He said.


He took me in the back room and he sat down with me.

"Mr. Dylan's, how do you feel now that you don't have a child to worry about?" I asked him.

"Well you see." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a photo.

"Mr. Dylans I don't know what to say... but Archer may be sick, but that has no meaning to give up your child to raise one who isn't sick."  I said.

"It was the wrong choice, but I'm also I single dad, when my son Sage was 3, he's now 6, Mrs. Dylan's passed away, due to illness of heart failure, but I remarried.  My wife now has two kids, whom I adopted, a 7 year old daughter name Kelsie and a 4 year old daughter named Allison, and now I'm helping her raise our kids. But if you would give us a chance?" Mr. Dylan's asked.

"Yes, we can definitely give you chance, but I would like to do it as if like I was a good friend of yours and I'm babysitting your kids, you know." I told him.

"Sounds like a deal." He said. I got up to leave but then I was stopped.

"I never caught your name, oh and here's my number." He handed me a paper and shook my hand.

"Christina, Christina Cimorelli."  I said.

"Your thee Cimorelli?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I am." I said.

"My kids are fans, but remember take good care of my girl." He said.

"I will, always have, and your name?" I asked.

"Joseph." Joseph said.

I waved and walked out. Everyone was waiting for me.

"Babe, who was that?" Millie asked.

"That was a old friend." I looked at her with the will-talk-later face.

"Oh okay." She smiled and carried Archer to the car.


We got home it was 2:00 pm. Lauren picked up Archer and Dani and then walked to Dani's room.


I was sitting on my bed with Millie and she looked at me.

"So who was that so called old friend?" Millie asked.

"That was Archies biological father, Joseph." I told her.

"Oh wow, so what happened?" She asked.

"Okay so..."

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