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"Don't you hang up on me missy!" I said to Dani.

"Why? You left me! So I should be able to hang up." She snarked then Lisa walked in.

"Danielle! Who is that?" Lisa hissed, as Dani shut the computer but not all the way.

"Perhaps no one you'd wanna see." I overheard.

Soon the laptop was snatched from Dani.

"Hello?" Lisa said to the camera.

"Lisa! Hi! It's me Chris!" I said happily.

"Hey Christina! I miss you so much." Lisa told me and the she walked down to the kitchen.

"Guys Christina is on FaceTime!" Lisa called. Soon there were a bunch of hellos and I miss you's.

"Christina! When will you be here?" Lauren asked.

"Hopefully by tomorrow if not the next day, Millie and I have to also watch out for Archer, driving with her is like driving with monkeys." I said with some laughter.

"So Chris, exactly, catch us up on life." Mike said.

"Well when I turned 15 I finished high school, but I went to public school because grandma couldn't afford to homeschool. Then as soon as I finished I started working at the orphanage to cope with the death of mom and dad and take my mind off of it, but for the past 9 years I've worked with Archer who was sent there at birth and she's been my whole world, till I met Millie at a karaoke night and we just instantly fell in love, then my whole life was completely! We went to The Boston Common during the summer last year and right in the gardens is where she proposed to me, and now our wedding is next summer." I explained.

"So Archer is your daughter, correct?" Lisa asked.

"Yup, she is." I answered; then there was a knock on the door.

"Hold on, on second." I said turning towards the doors.

"Who is is?" I asked.

"Archie." She said sadly.

"Oh come in baby." I said as the door opened.

"Cici?" She asked.

"Yeah, Bubby?" I replied.

"I don't feel well." Archer said and I held my arms out and she shuffled her way towards me.

"It's okay Archie, you can go to sleep, I'm just talking to your aunts and uncle." I told her.

"Oh hi." She waved and she fell asleep.

"She is so sweet, I'm jealous." Kath said.

"How old is she?" Amy asked.

"She's 9." I said.

"Your such a good mom!" Lauren said to me.

"Why thank you, I've had plenty of practice." I said winking at Lauren.

"Wow Christina, she really loves you." Kath said as I rocked Archer back and fourth.

"Yeah she does." I said as I felt her forehead.

"Guys Archer is really hot and I have to change her feeding tube, but I'll ca-" We were interrupted by a loud bang coming from Mikes house.

"What was that?" I asked. Archer started crying and I just rocked her till she fell back asleep.


Lisa came back into the room.

"Dani needs help, she just came home." Lisa said.

"And?" We all said.

"Drunk." Lisa finished. We were all astonished.

"Guys I can be there by tomorrow morning, you guys really need me." I said.

"You don-" Mike began.

"I do! She need to be straightened out." I said.

"Are you sure Chris? Your daughter is sick, how can you manage?" Kath asked.

"I don't know, but I can, I'll be there." I said and I hung up the call.

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