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Christina's POV

I rushed downstairs carrying Archer and I walked to Millie.

"I'm sorry to cut things short but we have leave." I said and Millie popped up.

"Why what's the matter?" Millie asked. 

"My little sister, something is wrong with her in the mental sense, ever since I left her world has been flipped." I said, and Millie hugged me.

"Okay babe, lets go, sorry mom, hope to see you again Lindsey and James." Millie said and she picked Archer up from my arms and we hugged everyone and went to the car.

This time Archer drove with me. And we were on are way back to California.

Lisa's POV

I could believe she'd do that again, I'm sick and tired of Dani right now. I was so fed up. I pulled her up off the ground.

"Danielle! I TOLD YOU YOU COULDNT GO OUT TONIGHT OR HANG OUT WITH YOUR SO CALLED FRIENDS AND WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU DISOBEYED ME! GO TO YOUR ROOM!" She stood there with a face of anger, she stomped her room, I shoved her with anger.

I ran to Kath.

" I can't believe her." I cried.

"I can't believe I just yelled at her." I added.

"Lisa, it okay, she honestly deserved it, you were taking action." Kath told me.

"I hope she's not mad." I said.

"Lise, she probably won't remember, she hit her head pretty hard. Plus she was drunk."  Kath told me.

"I just wish Chris was here," I said.

"I know, but she's also coming to visit, and she has a sick child she needs to take care of." Kath told me.

"I know." I said.

"Let's go out. Me, You, Amy, and Lauren, Mike. I'll call Rachael to watch Dani."  Kath said. 

"Okay." I replied. 


Racheal has just arrived.

"Thank you so much Racheal!" I said hugging her.

"It's no problem, anytime." She told me. We then got are shoes on and left. 

~10 hours later~

Christina's POV

We have been driving for ten hours and we decided it was time to stop. We arrived in Socorro, New Mexico, it was time to change Archers tube anyways so we stayed at a hotel near by.


"Mimi." Archer said in a tired voice.

"Hey lovey, your tired I know." Millie said holding her, and layed her on the bed.

"Babe, I'll be back." Millie said to me.

"Okay." I said as I finished help Archer.

I layed down in bed next to Archer and she snuggled up tight to me.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I whisper yelled; Millie walked in.

"I got us something." She said.

"Aww babe, you didn't have to." I said pulling out matching sweatshirts.

"This is like our first vacation together babe

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"This is like our first vacation together babe." I said.

"Yes, and I'm happy it's with you." She said and kissed my forehead while I rocked Archer to sleep.

5:00 am

"Babe wake up." I said turning toward her.

"Shh I'm up, wanna take Arch again?" She asked.

"Yeah," I picked her up and we walked to our cars.

6:00 pm

Here we are Malibu, California. I've never been more nervous before, I plugged in the address and after a few minutes I arrived at the house.

"Ready babe?" Millie asked.

"I'm ready." I said holding Archer, as my hand reached for the door, I knocked.

Someone came to the door.

"Hello?" They asked.

"It's me Christina." I said.

Lisa's POV

Someone knocked at the door.

"Hello?" I asked.

"It me Christina." She said, I opened the door and the tears began to flow.

Christina's POV

Lisa opened the door. I gave Archer to Millie.

"Oh Lisa." She fell into my arm and hugged me tight.

" please, come in." She said, I grabbed Archer back from Millie and we walked inside.

"Chrissy." Lauren said then everyone gathered in the living room.

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