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-7:00 am// The Next Day-

"Everyone lets go!" I said.

"Christina?" I think Lisa called.

"Not Lisa." She laughed.

"Well, who are you then." I laughed.

"Your daughter." She sassed.

"What?" I asked.

"Are we taking the big van?" Archer asked.

"No, we're taking the caravan and the 8 passengers," I told her.

"Okay." She answered.

-7:30 am-

We packed the vans and we're almost ready to leave, Mike was driving one van and Millie was driving the other. In the 8 passengers with Mike was Him, Christian, Nick, Sage, Dani, Lauren, Archer, and Avery in the caravan was Millie, Me, Kath, Lisa, Amy, and Allison.

-5 hours later-

It's now 1:00 pm, we stopped for lunch and caught up on what the ride was like. Apparently, for most the ride in the 8 passengers, they were asleep, but then Mike blasted there metal music and they jammed out, in the caravan, on the other hand, it was more on the down-low we listened to our songs and had conversations, Allison basically slept the whole way.

-5 hours later-

It's now 6 o clock and we made it to Myrtle Beach, we got in our rooms and unpacked, it was still light out so we all went to the beach.

The older kids were playing in the water with Christian and Millie, Mike and Sage were building sandcastle, Lisa and Amy were Tanning, and I was on the blanket with Kelsie and Allison.

I smiled as I watched the two sisters played, I was glad to see all my girls and well Sage happy again.

Lauren's POV

I was playing in the water with the girls and Christian and Millie. Then I felt someone pick up.

"Christian!" I screeched. He just ignored it.

"Throw her in! Throw her in!" The girls chanted.

"Traders!" I yelled and he threw me in.

"Should we team up?" Christian asked Millie and I.

"We'd be delighted." We both smirked and we each grabbed the girls and threw them in the water.

Millies POV

After fighting in the ocean with the girls I ran back to the blanket.

"Go play with your kids, I got this," I said and Christina kissed my cheek and she ran to the water.

Christina's POV

I went in the water to play with the girls.

I've never seen Archer so happy since she fell off the rocks, she loves Lauren's boyfriend Christian, he treats her like her own, and Lauren loves Artie like her own.

*** 8:00 pm

We made it back to the hotel. I'm laying in bed Allison.

"I wuv you, Mommy." Allison cooed.

"I love you too baby girl," I said.

Millie looked at me.

"She-" Millie said in shock.

"I know," I whispered and drifted off to sleep.

-The Next Day-

the adults and I woke up around 6 am and we gathered in the lounge hall.

"So what is the plan for today?" Lisa asked.

"Wait, before anything, we brought the stroller trike right?" Millie double-checked.

"Yes babe, we did. Anyways today I was planning that we could take the kids to the aquarium. Then have lunch at the beach, and later on, go out for dinner in the town." I suggested and everyone nodded and we went back to our rooms.

-8:00 am-

Everyone is up, well accept all Allison. so I had to wake her up. The older girls are ready and they went down to breakfast. I stayed with the little ones and I dressed Allison and met everyone in the lounge and we went to breakfast.

-9:00 am-

We finished breakfast and went back to the lounge to discuss how today will work.


Here you go!

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