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Christinas POV

Finn waved.

"Hi, I'm Finnegan Rose, but you can call me Finn, I'm 14 years old and I'm a dancer and I love to be around people." Finn said.

"Good to meet you Finn, I'm Micheal, you can call Mike." Mike said.

"I know who you are sir, nice to meet you Mr. Cimorelli." Finn was very clean and proper, he calls us by our sir names.

"Mrs. Cimorelli, can you show my to where I'll be staying?" Finn asked me.

"Oh sure thing Finn." I said leading him up to his room.

We walked up to Finns room. He look around in amazingment.

"Miss you shouldn't have, this might not even be permanent." Finn said honestly.

"As long as you're here Finn, you will always be treated like a Cimorelli." He looked at me and smiled, I opened my arms for him to join me in a hug and he did so.


He began to unpacked. I can't believe I didn't see the connection. As he unpacked he pulled out 6 frames.

"What's that Finn?"I asked.

"You know, someone once told me, How you feel right now is not how you will feel forever," he began then I realized that was my quote.

"If you're going through tough times, hold on because it will pass." We finished and he layed out the frames.

"Finn,you met us last year? And you were the one who was almost killed ?" I asked softly.

"Yes miss I was, my life was so great till I my father resorted to drinking, and that's when I met you at the meet and greet." He told me, this boy didn't shed a single tear, I wrapped my arm around him and I held the frame of us, he looked so much smaller, his small arms were wrapped around me and I was kissing his forehead.

"You were meant for me Finn." I said.
He smiled.

"Thank you," was the only words he said.


we had Christian, Nick and Avery over for dinner, the we began eating.

"My kids, let's go around and introduce yourself to Finn." I suggested and they all nodded.

"Hi Finn, first of all all welcome, I'm Archer, Archer Rose, yes crazy we had the same middle name! Anyways, I'm 10, I also love to sing and dance!" She said happily.

"Hi Finn welcome, my name is Kelsie, im 8." Kelsie said and Finn nodded.

"Finn, this is Sage, he's 7." I said and then I looked at Allison.

" this is Allison and she's 5, and right over there is your cousin Avery." I said and Finn nodded again.

"Um Christina, maybe introduce us?" Lisa questioned.

Finn began to speak.

"Run to me, as I run to you, but when you grabbed me it was only 1 person not two " Finn said and Kaths mouth dropped, I held up my finger to hold everyone's questions.

"I love the ombre! It adds a spice to you!" Finn said looking at Lisa.

"How old are you? 14? Gee, and how tall are you? 5'7? Man you're a grown man." Finn said toward Amy.

"I used to date this guys named Finn, it didnt last." Finn said and Lauren went full blush mode.

"Your kinda cute. Are you single?" Finn paused.

"All sisters turn in a dramatic effect, DANIIIII, they all said, what? She replied confused" Finn said and I smiled, It seems though he's been warming up a bit. All of us looked at eachother.

"Finster!" They all said remember that Nick name they made up at the San Fran local tour, he was the only guy there.

Everyone hugged him.

Then Millie and hugged Finn.

"Welcome home Finnegan Rose." I said.

--Later that Night--

Everyone was sleeping. I decide to go check on Finn. His light was on. I could here him strumming I knocked on his door.

"Come in." He said softly. I open the door and walked in.

Surprise! Forgot I'm updating today! So here is the last 2 chapters then Epilogue ~Malie

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